Jean Claude Muscat

Director & Chief Executive Officer

Saint James Hospital Operations Ltd


Saint James Hospital Operations Ltd


"Be bold and don’t delay taking decisions. It is better at times to take a wrong decision than not to decide at all."

Business Profile

I currently serve as the Chief Executive Officer and Director of Saint James Hospital Group Operations. I have over 25 years of experience in the healthcare industry in Malta as well as in international markets in Europe and North Africa.

In 1990 I joined Saint James Hospital Group at twenty years of age. As the company grew organically, I gradually worked my way up the ladder, heading the business development arm which included the opening of our first healthcare branches outside of our main facility.

In 2002 I spearheaded negotiations on behalf of the Saint James Hospital Group when the family business took over Malta’s largest private hospital – Capua Palace Hospital.

Following this successful takeover, I directed the setting up of a new concept aesthetic clinic in Malta.

In 2006 and 2009 I headed the first tangible expansion of the Saint James business overseas, setting up Saint James Hospital facilities in Libya and Hungary respectively. In 2016 I oversaw the establishment of a specialised ophthalmic centre of excellence in Malta.

In 2019 I oversaw the completion and opening of a modern flagship hospital in Żejtun.

I look forward to being part of the tremendous changes taking place in the healthcare industry where we are seeing the positive impact AI and Digital Medicine are having on the way healthcare services are delivered.

Business Activities

  • Director & Chief Executive Officer, Overseas Healthcare Ltd



    • Masters in Business Degree, University of Henley (UK)


    Official Partners

    • Trade Malta
    • Fino
    • GO Business
    • Imovo
    • Malta Enterprise
    • WFDM
    • St James Hospital
    • Dea Aesthetics
    • Intercomp
    • European Commission
    • Malta Business Registry
    • CF Estates
    • Agilis
    • ICON
    • Agora
    • Bureau Vallee
    • Apex Group Ltd
    • Exereco
    • Arkafort
    • Excel Homes
    • Lidion Bank
    • Melita Marine
    • TNT
    • Sparkasse Bank
    • Dimech Enterprises
    • Laferla
    • FCM Bank
    • Hi-Care Services