Childcare has become a lifeline for hard-working parents across Malta and Gozo. In today’s hectic world, knowing that your children are in a safe, nurturing environment, where they are not only offered a space to play but also an opportunity to learn and grow, is invaluable. Thankfully, Malta boasts a variety of reputable childcare centres, and Rising Stars Childcare Centre in San Ġwann stands out as a prime example of what modern childcare should be. It offers a warm, supportive environment that keeps children engaged, making each child feel valued and important, while parents get the peace of mind they need to juggle their demanding schedules.

We recently had the pleasure of meeting with managers Hannah Xuereb and Natoya de Carlo, who greeted us with smiles that seemed to reflect their fulfilment in their roles. Our conversation with them confirmed this positive first impression as we delved into the centre’s unique approach to children’s learning and development.

Rising Stars June 2024

Hannah Xuereb

One key feature that sets Rising Stars apart is its extensive operational hours. Open from 5:00 AM to 10:00 PM, Monday to Sunday, including public holidays, the centre caters to parents with irregular working hours or unpredictable schedules. “Our hours are designed to be really flexible for parents with busy schedules,” Hannah explains, highlighting Rising Stars’ commitment to accommodating modern family dynamics and the pressures parents face.

Additionally, Rising Stars offers children a variety of activities throughout the day. Unlike some childcare centres that limit kids to a single activity, Rising Stars provides three distinct daily activities. This variety keeps children engaged and supports their cognitive and creative development. Children are given a choice about what activity they’d like to have on the day, encouraging autonomy and exploration. “At the end of the day, decisions are a big part of an adult’s life. So, we want to support our children in making their own choices because we know it will help them later on in life,” Hannah explains. For example, during outdoor play, children might engage with water, sand, or soil, enjoying messy and fun learning experiences. Natoya remarks that this hands-on approach is intended to help children develop their creativity, independence, and resilience, in a safe space: “If a child wants to paint, we have aprons and uniforms so they can enjoy the activity without worrying about getting dirty,” she adds.

In its first year, Rising Stars won the Malta Small Business Award for ‘Best Reflective Practice as a childcare centre’, highlighting its dedication to continuous improvement. “Self-reflection is one of the practices we promote among our children,” says Natoya. “We encourage them to think about their day, consider what went well and what didn’t, and identify areas for growth,” Hannah adds. “It’s all about helping them understand the value of reflection from an early age.”

Building on this success, the centre also earned the Best Educational, Practical & Friendly Ambience Childcare Development Centre of the Year award. Natoya shares, “It’s incredibly rewarding to see our efforts to create a nurturing space where kids can learn, grow, and thrive recognised like this.” Having won these two awards, Rising Stars continues to set a high standard for what a supportive and nurturing environment can achieve in early childhood care.

The centre also uses social media platforms like Instagram and Facebook to keep parents and the community updated on daily activities and special events. Through the Rising Stars app, parents receive real-time updates and photos of their children’s day. This transparent communication helps parents feel connected, even when they can’t be there in person. In addition to open communication, Rising Stars ensures that interactions with parents are personable and thoughtful. For instance, when a child learns a new word, masters potty training, or if there are any behavioural concerns, such developments are discussed privately, to maintain discretion. This approach keeps parents informed and involved in their child’s growth in a sensitive and personal manner.

Rising Stars June 2024

Managers Hannah Xuereb (left) and Natoya de Carlo (right)

Besides its commitment to supporting children and their parents, Rising Stars is dedicated to promoting female leadership and creating a supportive work environment for women. Managers Hannah and Natoya emphasise feeling fully trusted and accommodated by their superiors. “There’s flexibility for staff, like accommodating appointments or adjusting shifts when needed. This supportive and understanding environment helps us perform better and truly enjoy our work,” Hannah notes. Aligned with this empowerment is the opportunity for career growth at Rising Stars. The centre’s founders believe in their staff and actively support their professional development, understanding that a motivated and skilled team is crucial for providing high-quality care.

When asked why they chose this line of work, the management’s passion for children’s growth was immediately evident. “My love for children was the main inspiration,” Natoya shares. “Seeing them learn and grow each day is incredibly rewarding,” adds Hannah in agreement. Another driving factor for the management is the satisfaction of knowing they enable parents to work with peace of mind, confident that their children are well-cared for. When asked to explain why they choose to remain at Rising Stars, the management highlights their close-knit team, which not only works well together but also enjoys spending time together outside of work, fostering a positive and collaborative environment.

Balancing the demands of management roles and personal lives is crucial, and the team at Rising Stars achieves this through a strong culture of support and understanding. “We really look out for each other. If someone needs to switch shifts or take a break, we make sure to accommodate that. Because at the end of the day, keeping our team happy and driven is all about pulling on the same rope and understanding each other’s needs,” the management remarks.

Rising Stars June 2024

Natoya de Carlo

Rising Stars’ dedication to providing exceptional care and education is reflected in the loyalty and trust of the parents who choose their services. Natoya recalls an anecdote about a parent who commutes from St. Paul’s Bay every day to drop off their child at Rising Stars, despite the hour-long drive. When asked why they choose to go to such lengths, the parent replied, “‘I’d rather spend one hour in traffic if that means knowing my kids are in good hands.’” Such comments underscore the deep trust and appreciation parents have for the centre. According to Natoya, “These comments also serve as our fuel to continue serving and giving our best.”

For women aiming for leadership roles, the advice from Rising Stars’ management is clear: “Stay humble and approachable. Being a manager doesn’t mean you’re above anyone else. We’re all part of the same team, and at the end of the day, supporting each other is crucial.” This philosophy fosters a respectful and collaborative environment that benefits both staff and the children they care for.

Rising Stars is always looking ahead, with several exciting initiatives in the pipeline.  Hannah and Natoya, with smiles on their faces, share that the centre is working on developing more educational books in both English and Maltese to better support their diverse group of children. These efforts reflect Rising Stars' ongoing commitment to enriching the learning experiences of every child in their care.

Clearly, Rising Stars Childcare Centre is more than just a place for children to stay while their parents are at work; it’s a nurturing community dedicated to the holistic development of children. With its flexible hours, innovative activities, and supportive environment, it sets a new standard for early childhood education in Malta. Through continuous reflection, personalised communication, and a commitment to teaching valuable life skills, Rising Stars is truly helping to shape the next generation of confident, creative, and resilient individuals.

Main Image:

Natoya de Carlo (left) and Hannah Xuereb (right)

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Written By

Sarah Borg

Sarah describes herself as a logophile, easily fascinated by the nuances of new words or expressions. Co-living with her passion for words is her love for art. Through her side hustle “Sartolini – A Sisterly Collaboration”, she merges her creativity with her desire to spread joy. A learner at heart, Sarah is intrigued by topics related to wellbeing, spirituality, and philosophy. When not writing, you’ll find her indulging in meaningful conversations or taking leisurely walks in nature to nourish her muse.