Izola Bank has announced the launch of its newly designed Izola Saver mobile app, developed to provide a more seamless and streamlined experience to customers looking for a simple and flexible way to save.
“The new look and user experience of our mobile app reflects our ambition to offer customers solutions that work in harmony with their busy lives. Aside from the convenience that a mobile app naturally provides, such as checking your savings account balances, customers can now open Term Deposit accounts in minutes,” explained Gordon Briffa, Head of IT at Izola Bank.
He continued: “Digital banking experiences are evolving at a rapid pace, and we think it’s important to keep up with these trends, providing a more personalized relationship between a customer and their bank through a modern interface. People want to be able to manage their finances, such as their savings, quickly and conveniently. We believe Izola Saver mobile enables them to do just that.”
CEO Andrew Mifsud added: “Customers are looking for banking solutions that offer ways to help them save money around their lifestyles. In today’s climate it’s important to give people more opportunities to save towards their ambitions in the future.”
Further commenting, he said: “In fact, our interest rates are some of the most competitive for savings and term deposit accounts, such as our two-year term deposit currently featuring an interest rate of 2.25 per cent. We are committed to supporting the community by giving people the tools to save money in a way that makes sense for them. This is also extended to our commercial banking and factoring offering where we believe that it’s a human touch, teamed with a flexible product offering and powerful digital platform, that can make a big difference in businesses looking for growth. People and businesses are both looking for speed and efficiency. It’s a model of banking that we are committed to delivering.”
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