Giovanna Mirabile on Thursday (today) announced that she has called time on her career at Inspire Foundation Malta after nearly 20 years at the non-profit organisation.

In a long and bittersweet post, Ms Mirabile shared that she will be departing her role as Chief Financial and Operating Officer (CFOO) of the organisation, having been a part of its senior management team for the past eight years.

“Over the next weeks, I will be transitioning into a new phase of my career, embracing a new chapter in my professional journey,” she remarked.

Inspire Foundation offers educational, therapeutic and leisure services to children and adults with intellectual, developmental and physical disabilities. It specialises in aiding those on the autism spectrum, having profound multiple learning difficulties, as well as those with behaviour that challenges.

Throughout her time at Inspire Foundation, Ms Mirabile occupied various roles, including Finance Manager, Fundraising Events Manager, as well as Operations & Business Units Manager, among others.

Ms Mirabile said that it has been a privilege to have had the opportunity to work for an organisation “that has consistently been at the forefront of raising awareness and providing support to individuals and families within the disabled community.”

“I am proud to have been an active participant and changemaker in ensuring the sustainability and competitiveness of the organisation. Together, we have scaled up our service provision, impacting more individuals who benefit from Inspire’s services and the dedicated care and compassion of our employees,” she stated.

She added that Inspire Foundation, together with its employees, families, and stakeholders, hold “a very special place” in her heart, and she is deeply grateful for her journey at the organisation.

“While the journey has not always been easy, it has been immensely enriching on many fronts,” Ms Mirabile continued.

She proceeded to thank everyone who supported and worked alongside her at Inspire Foundation.

“As I move forward, I will carry the lessons, memories, and gratitude from my time at Inspire. I am excited about the future and the new challenges it holds, confident that the foundation we have built will continue to thrive and make a difference,” Ms Mirabile said.

She concluded by saying: “Thank you, once again, for the incredible journey and unwavering support, as we part ways and begin new paths, always remembering how we transformed lives, together.”

Ms Mirabile holds a Master of Business Administration from University of Suffolk and a qualification from the Association of Chartered Certified Accountants (ACCA).

Inspire Foundation thanked Ms Mirabile for her work over the years, pointing towards her “outstanding contributions and leadership.”

“Under her leadership, Inspire Foundation achieved numerous milestones, significantly enhancing our organisation’s presence and impact,” it continued.

The foundation added that Ms Mirabile’s service and strategic vision have been pivotal to driving its success. “She has also cultivated a positive and collaborative culture that will have a lasting influence on our team,” Inspire Foundation said, before wishing her well in her future endeavours.

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Written By

Fabrizio Tabone

Fabrizio has a passion for the economy and technology, especially when it comes to innovation. Aside from this, he also has a passion for football and movies, and so you will often find him either with a ball to his feet or at the cinema checking out the latest releases.