, established as a public-private partnership between the Government of Malta and the Malta Chamber of Commerce, Enterprise, and Industry, is steadfast in its commitment to the internationalisation of Maltese tech enterprises, the attraction of foreign direct investment and the nurturing of educational avenues.

Its primary objective is to provide local entities with a global platform, predominantly through active participation in international events, while also offering the provision of exhibition space. Such international tech events are instrumental for businesses to expand their global footprint, establish connections with overseas partners, gain insights into current market trends and explore investment opportunities.

In its cooperative endeavours, engages closely with local public entities, foundations, government authorities  and the private sector, thereby strengthening the support extended to startups, SMEs and industry stakeholders. This collaborative approach not only bolsters the Maltese economy but also showcases its invaluable resources, positioning as an influential player in drawing tech-related FDI.

Additionally, is dedicated to stimulating the supply of digital and tech talent in Malta, focusing on integrating digital skills in schools from a young age to address recruitment challenges in the tech sector.'s expertise spans various digital and technological fields, offering support services and strategic partnerships to help organisations navigate challenges such as access to finance, regulatory frameworks, policy areas, digitalisation and internationalisation. These efforts are crucial for businesses aiming to enter new markets and increase their visibility.

At the heart of's mission is a commitment to innovation and collaboration, positioning it at the forefront of new technologies and methods in both private and public sectors. This approach helps tech stakeholders stay relevant in a rapidly evolving marketplace. also promotes new research and development programmes, grants and incentives, furthering its role as a key enabler for technological growth and innovation in Malta.

Company Profiles in Malta is a vast collection of companies and entities that operate and are active in Malta. You can discover more by visiting, Malta’s leading online business search engine and networking platform in Malta.

Are you a company operating in Malta and not part of the who’s who project? Get in touch with us on [email protected].

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