Judge Mark Chetcuti has been backed by both the Government and the Opposition for the role of Chief Justice.
The outgoing Chief Justice, Judge Joseph Azzopardi, will be retiring at 65 on 8th April, after having been appointed in 2018.
Both the Government and the Opposition are expected to put forward a joint motion in Parliament this evening recommending Judge Chetcuti, according to a DOI press release.
Dr Chetcuti had first been appointed as Judge in 2010, after spending 30 years practising as a lawyer.
The Cabinet approved his recommendation earlier today, after agreeing in principle on Constitutional and legal amendments to be proposed on future judicial appointments and on how future Chief Justices shall be appointed after Judge Chetcuti’s tenure.
Main Image:Judge Mark Chetcuti being first sworn in to the bench in 2010 / www.judiciarymalta.gov.mt