The management and administration of a company, right from its incorporation and well into its ongoing operations, is one of the key elements that need to be considered while making sure that it reaches its goals. Considering the dynamic legislative and non-legislative environment in which companies operate, there is more emphasis on maintaining a fine-tuned process management culture.

Regulated under specific national legislation (Cap. 529) as well as authorised and supervised by the Malta Financial Services Authority (MFSA), Company Service Providers (CSPs) support with company formation, director and secretary services, provision of registered address services, and a host of other ancillary services.

Josef Debono is authorised as a Class C Company Service Provider and manages JD-CSP, which specialises in the provision of such services. The firm leads clients through several aspects of the technical and administrative side and allows them to focus more on their goals from its attractively located offices in Spinola Bay, St Julian’s.

Mr Debono has been involved in the financial services industry for over two decades, having worked with a major Maltese bank for twenty years in areas such as investment and credit financing, besides managing award-winning branches and providing specialised staff training. He also holds a Bachelor of Science in Financial Services from the University of Manchester and is a Certified Anti-Money Laundering Specialist.

In 2021, Mr Debono established JD-CSP following the successful acquisition of the Class C CSP Authorisation from the MFSA, offering several services, including but not limited to the formation of companies, acting as a company director and/or company secretary, provision of registered address, and offers AML/CFT Solutions, back-office operations, book-keeping, and other company related services. For Mr Debono, it was imperative that from its initial foundation, JD-CSP works in a regulated environment, ensuring that the business adheres to Maltese rules, regulations, and legislation.


Mr Debono is also an Authorised Mandatary by the International and Corporate Tax Unit of the Commissioner for Revenue for the provision of Residence Program Schemes. In addition, he holds an Agent Licence with Aġenzija Komunità Malta, for the provision of Citizen by Investments Program offered by the Residency Malta Agency.

JD-CSP offers tailor-made solutions to high-net-worth individuals. The emphasis, Mr Debono shares, is on service delivery, anticipating clients’ needs and match the service accordingly.

With members of staff specialised in their areas and constantly developing their skills and knowledge, Mr Debono highlights a track record of delivering excellence to clients, with a thriving business mostly generated by word of mouth. The firm’s clientele is predominantly foreign-based and remains geared to mainly service this segment of the economic sector, with clients from across the globe.

The firm is growing steadily, and as Mr Debono explains, this is being done in a gradual, sensible approach. This allows for constantly widening the range of services being offered and maintaining excellence in service delivery. The accent is always placed on quality service delivery to valued customers, Mr Debono attests.

Delving into further detail on some of the aspects of the firm, JD-CSP also provides know-your-client (KYC) screening reports, using renowned national and foreign sources to other licence holders. JD-CSP also provides the service of Enhanced Due Diligence Reports on Natural and Legal Persons. These are often requested in cases of mergers and acquisitions, or in the case of high net-worth individuals when carrying relevant transactions. With credibility and reputational risk more than ever at the forefront of the agenda for commercial enterprises, such solutions remain in high demand.

Additionally, issues relating to combatting Terrorism Financing and Anti-Money Laundering are also addressed at JD-CSP. The firm provides consulting services to educate clients in establishing robust AML/CFT compliance frameworks and conduct independent audits and reviews of clients' AML/CFT programs and processes to assess their effectiveness and compliance with applicable regulations.

Other aspects of business operations, such as licensing matters, provide a challenge in themselves. JD-CSP addresses these challenges by minimising the issues that a client could face both at the application stage as well as with the obligatory compliance. JD-CSP itself holds several licences and can guide clients through what can often be complex but necessary procedures to conduct business.

Leading through the full process of service delivery while also providing information on relevant costs, JD-CSP prides itself on maintaining a close relationship with its clients. Mr Debono indicates that this is one of its’ strengths, as he explains that they are in constant and open communication with the clients making use of the firm’s services.

By way of advice, Mr Debono underlines the need for clients to keep an eye on compliance procedures, highlighting that this remains a significant element for commercial operations. At JD-CSP, they are cognisable of the environment that they are working in and with decades of experience working in the industry, JD-CSP holds the necessary knowledge and expertise to navigate and sustain the client throughout the business relationship.

Finally, Mr Debono stresses that as a CSP offering a wide range of corporate services, JD-CSP is after a “long-term win-win business relationship”. And with such a close relationship struck between clients and the service provider, in no uncertain terms he assures that his firm strongly safeguards their clients’ interests and finances, very much in the same way that they do with their own.

Written By

Julian Micallef Tagliaferro

Julian is a freelance writer for Content House. With an academic background in sociology and currently reading for his second Master's degree - in Social Impact Assessment, he is a proud father of two, involved in a number of voluntary organisations and actively supports ethical fashion choices.