Cool Ride-Pooling is the very first on-demand ride-pooling service in Malta, offering passengers the chance to share their ride with other travellers heading in the same direction.

The concept of ride-sharing is becoming increasingly popular in cities around the globe which are seeking new systems of mobility as they struggle with problems like restricted road infrastructure, record levels of air pollution and low rates of public transport ridership.

“The bus was full, had to wait for the next one.”

“I couldn’t find any parking next to the office”.

“I got stuck in traffic”.

How often do colleagues highlight such reasons to justify late arrival at work? And they’re probably right.

Traffic congestion in Malta not only is an important contributor to a polluted and less healthy environment, but is a factor which pushes overall productivity down, piling costs on any business, more so in a country with rather high fuel costs.


This is where the Cool ride-sharing concept gets into the picture. Its fresh service-offering is truly a game-changer for local businesses.

With so many cars on the roads, this is a key opportunity to deliver change.

Starting with just €3.95 per ride, Cool is a cost-effective way to get to the place of work – or other travel destination – hassle-free.

In the company’s first year of operations, by putting people heading to the same direction in one vehicle, Cool has saved passengers from travelling 860,000 km in an additional vehicle. This has saved no less than 180,000 kilograms of CO2 in the air we breathe, and thousands of hours saved from searching for a parking slot.


A number of companies are also looking at flexibility offered by Cool’s on-demand service offers, and especially opting to cover part of the expenses for members of their staff to join this revolution, and get to work in a fresh, relaxed state of mind.

Cool can accommodate both fully or partially covered journey costs for members of staff and offer pickup from park-and-ride locations or directly from employees’ home locations. With the company’s advanced route planning technology, employees’ journeys to office or business meetings will be quick and affordable.

All vehicles are sanitised to the highest standards to ensure passenger safety.

Cool is pitching from its end too with an additional 5 per cent to all shared rides exclusively to a company’s employees for those companies that subscribe to this scheme.

Discover more on the opportunities Cool can provide to your business on Get in touch today.

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