In 2021, the National Commission for Further and Higher Education was re-established as the Malta Further and Higher Education Authority (MFHEA) to seek to promote and develop further and higher education in Malta by means of regulation and the promotion of best practices.

The foundation of this Authority goes back more than 20 years to 2002, when the MQRIC was set-up to oversee the development of the national qualifications' framework. In 2005, the Malta Qualifications Council (MQC) was set up. It was remitted to oversee the development of the National Qualifications Framework in the context of lifelong learning and to work in partnership with learners, employers as well as training and education providers to achieve and maintain excellence as a contribution towards the national effort for competitiveness.

In 2006, the National Commission for Higher Education (NCHE) was set up as a consultative and advisory body to the government on the higher and further education sectors. The NCHE contributed towards the development and launch of the Malta Government Scholarship Scheme, it drafted recommendations for a Further & Higher Education Strategy and, in 2010,  published a Guide to Financial Support Schemes for Students in Further & Higher Education.

The Commission for Further and Higher Education incorporated both the Malta Qualifications Council as well as the National Commission for Higher Education. In 2010, MQC was merged administratively with the NCHE and the two functioned as a single organisation (NCHE-MQC) until the setting up of NCFHE in 2012.

Chief Executive Officer: Rose Anne Cuschieri

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