Avanza Academy is licensed as a Further and Higher Education Institution with the National Commission for Further and Higher Education in Malta. Its mission is to create unique learning opportunities for all those who wish to take learning seriously.
Avanza is the result of the coming together of minds of a group of individuals at different stages in life, having different academic backgrounds and professional experiences. They have one thing in common that brought them together: a passion for life, for living and for being.
Avanza grew out of the belief that learning takes place when people are passionate about what they do; passion grows when people genuinely come together to create meaning.
Through varied initiatives, the academy aims to focus on creating purpose and meaning in peoples’ lives. These initiatives include getting involved in various local, regional and European projects at the heart of the economic, cultural and community development such as interculturalism, migration, neuroscience and autism. It does this through the establishment of partnerships with varied European institutions and aims to engage in European funded projects that help it leave an impact both locally and abroad.
Avanza Academy is focusing on interculturalism and autism projects, the intent being to adopt a research and practical approach that will see it undertaking local studies to enhance its knowledge and understanding of the field but then turn this data into professional development and learning opportunities for different members of the community.
It is also developing other learning opportunities that can be useful to Maltese, Gozitan and international clients through various accredited and non-accredited courses together with seminars, workshops, motivational talks, public lectures and conferences.
As an academy, Avanza has also attracted a number of international consultants who are helping it develop the right networks and engage in various fora abroad.
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