“Co-heading the Financial Services and Aviation Departments and serving as Director of the Fenlex Group, my practice areas include investment services, securities law, capital markets, banking, insurance, aviation, mergers and acquisitions and asset finance,” Joseph Ghio says.

He is Director and Company Secretary for financial services licensed entities, a visiting lecturer at the University of Malta and a Member of the Chamber of Advocates, the Institute of Financial Services Practitioners, the International Bar Association, the European Air Law Association and the Malta Chamber of Commerce, Enterprise and Industry.

Fenech & Fenech Advocates, which was founded in 1891, is a multi-disciplinary firm catering fully for the needs and exigencies of the local as well as the international market and ensuring that the demands of its diverse clients are always met on time.

A number of service companies that form the Fenlex Group of Companies were incorporated as subsidiaries of the firm to ensure that the firm’s clientele could benefit from even more comprehensive services.

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