Sean Gravina, Head Chef and owner of the popular St Julian’s establishment Crust Deli Bakery, has hit out at the reintroduction of mandatory mask-wearing for all in public spaces, bluntly describing the rule as “bull”.
Taking to Facebook to share his views, Mr Gravina expressed frustration that despite the personal and national efforts taken to achieve one of the world’s highest vaccination rates, social life remains far from normal.
“Good morning on a cold morning,” he started his post, addressing his 30,000 social media followers.
“I’m living the most contradictory life to date. I did my part, my family did their part and I’m still being forced to wear this blasted mask,” he said.
“Mandatory? Bull!”
Mr Gravina, who shares his innovative recipes on TV on ONE’s Mill-Chcina ta’ Dari, said that “Nothing is adding up anymore and I’m tired of it.”
“I injected my self with a foreign body so I can live and now we are once again being asked to get the booster and on the same week we are being forced to wear our mask?” he enquired, echoing previous comments he made on the slow return to regular life despite Malta's relative success in dealing with the pandemic.
Around 85 per cent of Malta's population is fully vaccinated, and a quarter has received the booster shot.
“I am all for vaccines but I’m not going to keep on vaccinating my self and live within restrictions, it’s time to make up your mind it’s either one or the other, not both.”
He summed up the annoyance many have been expressing: “It is what it is. The people need to live. Enough is enough.”
He continued: “This is going to happen every winter, let’s start getting used to it and stop running away from the obvious,” referring to increasing debate on whether COVID-19 is becoming an endemic virus with seasonal variations.
“It’s time to live, we have reached herd and beyond, let’s not compare ourselves to other countries.
“Let’s be the better nation we are, yes for booster, no for restrictions.”
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