Professor John Mamo has been reconfirmed as the Malta Financial Services Authority (MFSA) Chairman, the authority announced on Wednesday.

A new Board of Governors has also been confirmed, with former Finance Minister Edward Scicluna, now the Governor of the Central Bank of Malta, appointed to the board as member ex officio.

Other members are Philip von Brockdorff, head of the University of Malta’s Economics, Management and Accountancy faculty, Mark Galea, head of the public finance unit at the National Statistics Office, Charles Zammit, formerly a member of the MFSA’s Board of Management and Resources, Stephanie Vella, economist, and Carmel Cascun, lawyer.

The appointments are valid for one year, with effect from 4th February 2021.

About John Mamo

Prof Mamo was first appointed as Chairman of the Board of Governors of the Malta Financial Services Authority in 2018.

He obtained his BA from the Royal University of Malta and was later awarded a degree of B.Litt. in Company Law by Magdalen College, Oxford. He also graduated with an LL.D. from the University of Malta and was subsequently admitted to practise at the Malta Bar.

In 1975 he was appointed as a part-time Lecturer in the Department of Commercial Law and thirteen years later took up the post of Associate Professor in the Faculty of Law, with a later appointment as Head of the Department of Commercial Law. Prof Mamo also served as Member of the Permanent Law Reform Commission and as Commissioner for Data Protection. In 2016, he was honoured with the award of Cavaliere dell’ Ordine al Merito della Repubblica Italiana. 2018 saw his appointment as Chairman, Board of Governors, Malta Financial Services Authority (MFSA). Throughout his career, Professor Mamo served on the Board of several companies in Malta and abroad as Director or Chairman.


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