Malta International Airport (MIA) last month signed the European Aviation Safety Agency’s (EASA) Aviation Industry Charter for Covid-19, reaffirming its commitment to the highest standards of health and safety.

In August, MIA joined around 90 major airports and airlines in committing to six main principles established by EASA, which are aimed at ensuring that the health and safety efforts of industry regulators and operators are more aligned, proportionate, and effective.

“A more harmonised approach to the measures being taken by different industry players will afford both airlines and airports the consistency needed for longer term planning to be undertaken, whilst contributing to enhanced levels of consumer confidence in travel,” said MIA Head of Operations and Business Continuity Ing. Martin Dalmas.

While MIA had already been following the COVID-19 Aviation Health Safety Protocol, jointly published by EASA and ECDC, especially in preparation for the airport’s safe reopening on 1st July 2020, being a signatory to the Charter brings about additional benefits, including access to the best practices of some of the industry’s most respected operators.

MIA is also one of 236 airports featured on Airports Council International’s (ACI) recently launched mobile app – Check & Fly – designed to allow travellers to easily access information about the measures in place at participant airports. This app is one of ACI’s initiatives undertaken with an aim to allow airports to show passengers, regulators and governments that health and safety are truly being prioritised.

For more information about MIA’s health and safety measures, you may click here.

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