Malta-based space research company Spaceomix is set to work towards sequencing DNA beyond low Earth orbit through a collaboration with the State of the African Disapora (SOAD).

The partnership, described as “groundbreaking”, is expected to “transcend boundaries of scientific exploration”, SOAD stated.


The signing of the collaboration agreement / LinkedIn

The primary aim of this alliance is to embark on an “ambitious mission” to sequence DNA beyond lower Earth orbit that includes the lunar surface and deep space, thus ushering in a new era of space-based genetic research that has never before ventured beyond Earth’s immediate vicinity.

Founded by Joseph Borg in 2020 as part of Arkafort Group, Spaceomix aims to make “next generation breakthroughs” leading to a high quality of life for the coming decades and at the same time pushing for multi-planetary life, working to ensure not just survival, but also “thriving of future generations” of life beyond Earth. It explores, studies, and develops research projects in space, seeking to make space more accessible to businesses, universities, and individuals.

Joseph Borg

Spaceomix Founder and Director Joseph Borg / LinkedIn

SOAD said that Spaceomix has a distinguished history of “spearheading innovative space and biomedical initiatives”, yet the upcoming works towards DNA sequencing represents a “quantum leap” and a “historic milestone in humanity’s quest to decode genetic information beyond our planet’s confines”.

The connection between the two entities was organised by Anthony Coleiro, SOAD Ambassador to Malta, and convergences of views quickly become apparent. The research endeavour stands in line with SOAD’s vision for space, led by Cheick Modibo Diarra, Minister of Science and Industry. Dr Diarra used to serve as Prime Minister of Mali, and even had responsibilities at US agency NASA, and hence brings invaluable expertise to the space programme. His inclusion positions SOAD to be a “pioneer in the quest for interstellar scientific breakthroughs”.

Upon signing the agreement, Louis Georges-Tin, Prime Minister of SOAD said: “We are thrilled to embark on this epoch-making journey with Spaceomix.”


SOAD Minister of Science and Industry Cheick Modibo Diarra / SOAD

“Our mission to sequence DNA beyond Earth’s orbit signifies a watershed moment not only for our nation, but for the entire African continent,” he added.

Dr Tin stated that since SOAD is set to become one of the first African nations, if not the first, to be involved in an experiment on the Moon, it extended an open invitation to other countries from the continent to join SOAD in this “monumental scientific expedition”.

Also commenting on the news, Professor Borg remarked that the collaboration stands at the “precipice of scientific history”.


SOAD Prime Minister Louis Georges-Tin / SOAD

“Our joint pursuit to sequence DNA on the moon and in outer space epitomises the epitome of pioneering research, opening unprecedented avenues for advancements in both terrestrial and celestial life sciences,” he said.

The collaboration is set to revolutionise global comprehension of life beyond the planet, and also holds the key to transformative breakthroughs within health and medical advancements, as well as  fostering a new wave of educational opportunities that are set to “inspire future generations to reach for the stars”, SOAD said in the announcement.

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Fabrizio Tabone

Fabrizio has a passion for the economy and technology, especially when it comes to innovation. Aside from this, he also has a passion for football and movies, and so you will often find him either with a ball to his feet or at the cinema checking out the latest releases.