The Director General of the Malta Employers Association, Joseph Farrugia, is celebrating 20 years at the helm of the organisation.

Taking to Facebook to celebrate the occasion, the long-serving Mr Farrugia said: “20 years at MEA. Seems like 5 minutes!”

He also shared an picture of himself with a cake inscribed: "Joe - 20 years of success". 

He extended his thanks to “the secretariat, council members and all MEA members for their constant support”.

Mr Farrugia has occupied the post since 2001.

He is also a visiting lecturer at the Department of Marketing at the University of Malta.

The MEA’s website states that Mr Farrugia has extensive experience in marketing consultancy and human resources management.

He has held a number of top roles in the country’s institutions, including serving as President of the Malta College of Arts, Science and Technology (MCAST), the major vocational education institution in Malta, between 2010 and 2013.

Mr Farrugia also sits on the board of directors of JobsPlus, the Employment Relations Board, and represents the MEA on the Malta Council for Economic and Social Development (MCESD).

He also represents employers on panels of the Industrial Tribunal.

He has represented Maltese employers on a number of international fora, amongst them the Board of Directors of the European Foundation for the Improvement in Living and Working Conditions, the European Social Fund, CEEP and the International Organisation of Employers.

Mr Farrugia is known in cultural circles as an artist. He has organised numerous exhibitions of his paintings in various venues in Malta and abroad.

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