T4B Services Ltd incorporates different operational divisions, offering a mix of products and services with engineering and technology as their common factor.

The company successfully ventured into the industrial sector for the first time in 1994 and set up the industrial supplies division with a number of prestigious representations for pumps, valves, mixers, steam traps and filtration equipment. The supplier managed inventory division, offering third party logistics to Malta’s only microelectronics manufacturer, followed two years later.

In 1999, T4B Services Ltd took over the responsibilities of the surveying equipment line with a world-class representation and also saw the start of the building materials division with a quality brand name that has become dominant in the sector today.

The company has put together the necessary professional resources to provide comprehensive energy efficiency consultancy and audit services. Based on its long experience in the building and industrial sectors, it merges both legacies to provide professional engineering-based energy efficiency consultancy. The objective is to help customers utilise energy in the most efficient manner and cut unnecessary wastage, thus reducing operating costs and carbon emissions as well as increase the clients’ competitiveness.

T4B Services Ltd has six sales divisions: building materials, surveying equipment, industrial supplies, supplier managed inventory, energy efficiency consultancy and audit services.

Managing Director: Patrick Spiteri Staines

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