Retail and business IT services make up the core business of Klikk, operated mainly by the retail sales and support team, corporate sales and support department.

The whole mindset of the business strategy at Klikk is one that fosters positive customer experiences both at retail and business levels.

Klikk was founded and started as a small retail business 20 years ago. Throughout the years, it made sure to stay on the front line when it comes to product knowledge, tech repairs and the latest major product releases.

The company foresees a bright future driven by passionate and creative individuals that form a youthful culture, fulfilled by the success of their creations and delighted customers.

Company Profiles in Malta is a vast collection of companies and entities that operate and are active in Malta. You can discover more by visiting, Malta’s leading online business search engine and networking platform in Malta.

Are you a company operating in Malta and not part of the who’s who project? Get in touch with us on [email protected].


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