The Central Bank of Malta Governor, Edward Scicluna, along with Deputy Governor Alexander Demarco and Chief Human Resources Officer Paul Farrugia thanked six workers who recently celebrated 25 years of service at the bank.

The employees are Karen Cachia, Roberta Farrugia, Stephania Fenech, Claudette Ishmael, Robert Mifsud and Susanne Trapani.

Prof. Scicluna expressed gratitude for their hard work, dedication and loyalty.

In addition, the Governor thanked them for “their valuable contributions and for being an integral part of the organisation.”

The honoured employees were also presented with mementos to mark the special occasion.

The Central Bank of Malta was established 56 years ago, meaning that these workers have been employed at the Bank for nearly half of its existence.

Main Image:

From left to right: Karen Cachia, Claudette Ishmael, Robert Mifsud, Roberta Farrugia, Stephania Fenech / Central Bank of Malta 

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Written By

Anthea Cachia

Anthea has a passion for writing, meeting new people and telling stories. With an insatiable curiosity Anthea loves roaming localities in search of long-established small businesses. When not scribbling away on a notebook or tapping on her computer, you can find her experimenting in the kitchen or traveling.