On Monday (today), Doreanne Caruana announced that she is celebrating her 10th anniversary at Rizzo Farrugia & Co (Stockbrockers) Ltd.

“Over the years, I made a lot of friends, met so many people who inspired me (and who continue inspiring me) and worked with some of Malta’s best brains on a whole list of capital market transactions – a list which I am so proud of,” she said on LinkedIn.

Ms Caruana joined Rizzo Farrugia & Co as an Executive Corporate Advisory. Five years later, in 2019, she was promoted to Head of Corporate Advisory.

Over the years, she garnered vast experience in the industry. Prior to joining the firm, she spent eight years at FIMBank plc and held different roles, including that of Credit Risk Analyst within the Risk Management Department, among others.

Additionally, Ms Caruana chairs the Sub Committee within the Capital Markets Working Group of the Malta Financial Services Advisory Council (MFSA). This deals with the operations of the MFSA on matters related to capital markets and financial literacy in the investment services sector.

Furthermore, Ms Caruana was awarded a Bachelor of Commerce (Hons) in Banking and Finance, an Executive MBA in Strategic Planning and Niche Markets as well as a Master of Arts in Financial Services Law.

In her final remarks, she noted that she learnt a lot and is “forever grateful” to various clients, the regulator and professionals she met along the way that helped her grow and challenged her.

Main Image:

Doreanne Caurana / Rizzo Farrugia & Co (Stockbrockers) Ltd. 

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Written By

Anthea Cachia

Anthea has a passion for writing, meeting new people and telling stories. With an insatiable curiosity Anthea loves roaming localities in search of long-established small businesses. When not scribbling away on a notebook or tapping on her computer, you can find her experimenting in the kitchen or traveling.