Beloved driving instructor Charlie Sammut, widely known as “il-Mangu,” from Mangu Motoring School, has passed away aged 64.
Mr Sammut is a popular figure in the local motoring school space, with a number of Malta’s drivers obtaining their licence under his guidance.
On Tuesday (today), tributes poured in on social media from family members, friends, and former students.
“We will never forget you, especially the smile on your face, dancing, and jokes,” one family member said.
Many of his former students recalled how Mr Sammut would always greet them with a smile and have great conversations with them during their lessons.
“Rest in peace dear friend, it is difficult to find a person like you. You always managed to put a smile on my face even when I did not want to. I will miss you,” another student commented.
“The best driving instructor I could have ever had,” one student said.
Social image: Mangu Motoring School / Facebook
Main Image:The late Charlie "Il-Mangu" Sammut / Facebook
Written By
Fabrizio Tabone
Fabrizio has a passion for the economy and technology, especially when it comes to innovation. Aside from this, he also has a passion for football and movies, and so you will often find him either with a ball to his feet or at the cinema checking out the latest releases.