A chartered marketer by profession and a Fellow Member of the Chartered Institute of Marketing (UK), the skills Martin Mercieca has stretch across the marketing portfolio with particular focus on integrated strategic planning, human resource management, conflict resolution, business processes and developments.

“Throughout my long career, I have gained valuable experience at different levels of administrative hierarchy – operational, strategic and board – directing business through growth, sustainability and seeking strategic fits between the internal and external environments,” he says.

As Chief Executive Officer of Class Optical Group, his narrative is mindful of the importance to lead, manage and develop the organisation in a sustainable manner, ready for the generation that follows. “I am particularly driven and motivated by the contribution and involvement of an organisation’s entire workforce at all levels that align with corporate values in reaching company objectives together for the welfare of all stakeholders,” he explains.

The Class Optical Group has been active in the manufacture, importation and retailing of contact and prescription lenses and spectacles in Malta for almost 40 years. A consortium had been set up in 1983 to manufacture contact lenses and optical frames when the Maltese Government introduced import restrictions. A subsequent change of Government policy no longer made local production viable and, eventually, Class started importing contact lenses and spectacle frames from large, multinational suppliers.

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Who’s Who List in Malta is a collection of profiles of people involved and active in business, management and professional life in Malta. You can discover more by visiting whoswho.mt, Malta’s leading online business search engine and networking platform.

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