Regina Reinheimer

Human Resources and Training Consultant

PsyPotential Ltd

Human Resources
Human Resources

PsyPotential Ltd


"Personal and professional growth happens best when willingness meets opportunity and facilitating these special moments for others is my passion."

Business Profile

I am a Human Resources and Training Consultant specialised in learning and development. I create and design customised learning experiences in areas like communication and feedback, leadership, public speaking and other interpersonal and intrapersonal skills for different target groups and managerial levels. I am also experienced in setting up the necessary structures and processes to identify and retain talent in organisations through career pathing, conducting assessment centers and psychometric testing. My passion for serving people and helping individuals to fulfil their career potential led me to become a certified Systemic Coach and Change Management Consultant.

Business Activities



      • 2003-2006: Bachelor of Arts in Business Administration, DHBW Mannheim
      • 2007-2011: Bachelor of Science in Business Psychology, Ruhr University Bochum
      • 2019: Certified Systemic Coach and Change Manager, INeKO Institute at University Cologne


        Official Partners

        • Trade Malta
        • Fino
        • GO Business
        • Imovo
        • Malta Enterprise
        • WFDM
        • St James Hospital
        • Dea Aesthetics
        • Intercomp
        • European Commission
        • Malta Business Registry
        • CF Estates
        • Agilis
        • ICON
        • Agora
        • Bureau Vallee
        • Apex Group Ltd
        • Exereco
        • Arkafort
        • Excel Homes
        • Lidion Bank
        • Melita Marine
        • TNT
        • Sparkasse Bank
        • Dimech Enterprises
        • Laferla
        • FCM Bank
        • Hi-Care Services