Clifford Debono

Country Manager

Creditinfo Malta Ltd

Financial Services
Financial Services

Creditinfo Malta Ltd



Business Profile

Being appointed Country Manager of Creditinfo Malta Ltd in November 2021, I am responsible for leading the company’s business strategy as it enters a new era in its operations and marketplace. Having obtained the Credit Reference Agency license in December 2021, the company is introducing the concept of a credit bureau in the local market for both businesses and individuals, enabling ease of access to credit while ensuring more responsible lending.

Prior to joining Creditinfo Malta, I worked for 11 years in the iGaming industry within the Risk Management sector. In January 2018, I joined Creditinfo Malta as part of the Credit Report Analysis department, being given the position of Chief Financial Officer in August 2019. This working experience allowed me to have a better understanding of various aspects of the company both financially and commercially.

Under my leadership, Creditinfo Malta will strive to pursue a leading-edge approach in its operations, building partnerships and business relationships while creating new products and solutions for the marketplace.

Business Activities


    • 2006-2017: Senior Risk Management Officer, Personal Exchange International Ltd
    • 2018-2019: Credit Report Analyst, Creditinfo Malta Ltd
    • 2019-2021: Chief Financial Officer, Creditinfo Malta Ltd


    • Diploma in Management Studies, University of Malta
    • Master of Business Administration (MBA), University of Malta


    Official Partners

    • Trade Malta
    • Fino
    • GO Business
    • Imovo
    • Malta Enterprise
    • WFDM
    • St James Hospital
    • Dea Aesthetics
    • Intercomp
    • European Commission
    • Malta Business Registry
    • CF Estates
    • Agilis
    • ICON
    • Agora
    • Bureau Vallee
    • Apex Group Ltd
    • Exereco
    • Arkafort
    • Excel Homes
    • Lidion Bank
    • Melita Marine
    • TNT
    • Sparkasse Bank
    • Dimech Enterprises
    • Laferla
    • FCM Bank
    • Hi-Care Services