Andrew Arrigo


Robert Arrigo & Sons Ltd


Robert Arrigo & Sons Ltd

St Julians

Business Profile

I am a lawyer by profession and have practised with Ganado Advocates after completing my Master’s in the UK.

When I joined the family business, Robert Arrigo & Sons, a destination management company and incoming travel and tourism agent in 2010, I assumed responsibility for the commercial side in supporting foreign travel agents and tour operators, offering a quality range of services such as hotel accommodation, bus and shuttle transfers, tours and excursions and other destination services.

Official Partners

  • Trade Malta
  • Fino
  • GO Business
  • Imovo
  • Malta Enterprise
  • WFDM
  • St James Hospital
  • Dea Aesthetics
  • Intercomp
  • European Commission
  • Malta Business Registry
  • CF Estates
  • Agilis
  • ICON
  • Agora
  • Bureau Vallee
  • Apex Group Ltd
  • Exereco
  • Arkafort
  • Excel Homes
  • Lidion Bank
  • Melita Marine
  • TNT
  • Sparkasse Bank
  • Dimech Enterprises
  • Laferla
  • FCM Bank
  • Hi-Care Services