Pet food producer Pet Nutrition House Ltd's new factory in San Ġwann’s Industrial Estate was inaugurated by Prime Minister Robert Abela following an investment of €8 million.

Pet Nutrition House Director Matthew Wismayer said that the company’s success stems from “innovation, excellent service, and quality products”.

He explained that amid the international challenges that society is going through, the energy subsidy provided by the Government is an “important element in business”. Mr Wismayer concluded by saying that the investment Pet Nutrition House has made complements its vision to continue “expanding the range of products offered both in local and international markets”.

Established in 2001, Pet Nutrition House Ltd is the supplier for pet food brands Prince and Princess, and is its distributor to all local pet shops in Malta. It is the first Maltese company in the local pet food industry, exporting its products to 70 different countries.

Dr Abela was joined by Minister for the Environment, Energy and Enterprise Miriam Dalli and Minister for the Economy and EU Funds Silvio Schembri for the inauguration.

Dr Abela said that such businesses are “crucial” to Malta’s economic performance, and it is for this reason that the Government has “continued to invest in businesses, not only to survive amid challenges, but to continue growing and changing with the aim of becoming more innovative and sustainable”. He added that such support is being given even during testing periods for the whole world, as the Government has aimed to absorb the rises in energy and fuel prices.

Pet Nutrition House

Prime Minister Robert Abela with employees from Pet Nutrition House

With regards to the products that the new factory will produce, Dr Abela said that these will be pushing forward the “made in Malta” brand, as while it is “continuously searching for foreign investment, the Government is proud of Maltese businesses that are reaching such levels”. He praised the investment that Pet Nutrition House has made, which has allowed for more “efficient and sustainable” means of operations, fulfilling one of the Government's primary aims to become carbon neutral. The factory is promoting a sustainable model that reduces the consumption of energy and production of pollution.

He concluded by saying that this investment represents the Government's vision for the local economy to delve into new sectors, invest in a sustainable manner, and offer quality employment. Pet Nutrition House plans to add to its current workforce of 40 employees in the near future.

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Fabrizio Tabone

Fabrizio has a passion for the economy and technology, especially when it comes to innovation. Aside from this, he also has a passion for football and movies, and so you will often find him either with a ball to his feet or at the cinema checking out the latest releases.