The Malta Stock Exchange has seen increased activity over the last years, which have seen over 20 new companies being admitted since 2021. This demand is “another testament to the health of the Maltese economy,” according to Prime Minister Robert Abela.

During a visit to the organisation’s building he noted that over the past years, companies listed with this institution and the different financial instruments that can be traded in its markets have almost doubled.

Today, over 110 different companies and around 300 different financial instruments are listed on the Malta Stock Exchange.

The Prime Minister emphasised how the country’s premier capital market should be a driver for investment to enable the creation of wealth in Malta, so that “that same wealth translates into more help to the people,” as well as serving to drive the economic transition.

"The financial services sector is a catalyst in these investments linked to the green and digital core that is taking place to continue to offer a better quality of life for families," said Dr Abela.

He added that the regulatory framework that Malta has in different areas including iGaming and the Maltese open economy for trade all play a crucial role on the Malta Stock Exchange.

The Prime Minister touted reports by international experts, including the International Monetary Fund, who spoke of an “impressive recovery” in the Maltese economy, further noting that the national wealth per capita is expected to exceed that of the Eurozone.

“They all show a strong economy and fiscal situation, at a time when support to people has continued to strengthen and be given to all,” he said, adding Malta must continue to attract quality investment based on the country's priorities, such as environmental ones.

During the visit, where he met with the management of the Malta Stock Exchange and workers, the Prime Minister was accompanied by Minister for Finance and Employment Clyde Caruana.

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