The Malta Digital Innovation Authority (MDIA) has launched an award to encourage the quick deployment of innovative technology to address the societal and economic challenges posed by COVID-19, which can be used in similar future scenarios.

The award is aimed at encouraging the development and deployment of such technologies in a timely manner.

MDIA CEO Stephen McCarthy, in a video message promoting the award, said “the idea is to primarily assist the elderly and those vulnerable, including individuals who are self-isolating”.

He added that “the award is a bit vague for a reason, because we did not want to restrict ourselves to a specific task, but ideally we wanted to cover different targets and sectors on how we can assist given these new challenges..”.

The MDIA said the technology could be a mobile app, a device or a website, an educational tool, a monitoring tool or a means of easing social distancing or any other innovative technology initiative deployed to support society during COVID-19.

Developers of such innovative technologies which have an impact on the local situation are being invited to submit their application to be considered for this award by 18th May.

The only constraint is that the technology must already be deployed by the submission date and must be shown to be addressing the COVID-19 situation and possibly other such future scenarios easing their impact on the individual and society.

The MDIA said the short timeline has been put in place to ensure that the technology does have an immediate impact on the COVID-19 pandemic.

The entries will be judged by an evaluation team of health and technology experts. The best-chosen entry for Innovative Technologies in Response to COVID-19 will receive €7,000, whilst the second will receive €3,000. Technologies already deployed but are still being extended in response to the current crisis are also eligible to be considered for the award.

Timeline of the Award:

● 6th April 2020: Launch of the MDIA Award

● 18th May 2020 at noon: Submission of applications to be considered for the Award

● 15th June 2020: Announcement of award winners

More information, including eligibility criteria, the application form, submission procedures and evaluation criteria, can be found on the MDIA website

Main Image:

Stephen McCarthy, Chief Executive Officer of the Malta Digital Innovation Authority 

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