Gozitan lawyer Joseph Ellis has been elected to Parliament following a casual election in the 13th district. The seat was previously held by PN stalwart Frederick Azzopardi, who died last month.

The election was contested by Joseph Ellis, Censu Galea, Maria Portelli, Jason Zammit and Ryan Mercieca. The PN had earlier disassociated itself from Mr Mercieca, who has a history of run ins with the law.

Speaking to WhosWho.mt, Dr Ellis, who has often represented the environment NGO Ramblers, said his priority is now to safeguard his constituency.

“I want the Gozitan economy to be developed in a sustainable manner,” he said.

“People who live in Gozo,” he continued, in a nod to the many residents of the island who are not Gozitan, “should be able to enjoy the same rights and facilities that those living in Malta enjoy”.

“They should have the same work and economic opportunities.”

Dr Ellis emphasised that Gozo residents should not need to depend on the Government to live and feed their families.

“The Gozitan economy should be strong enough to enable its people to live well and stand on their own two feet.”

Main Image:

Gozitan MP Dr Joseph Ellis

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Written By

Robert Fenech

Robert is curious about the connections that make the world work, and takes a particular interest in the confluence of economy, environment and justice. He can also be found moonlighting as a butler for his big black cat.