The Periti Warranting Board Online Elections 2025 were brought to a close with the official promulgation by the election official, Notary Christian Meilak, that Perit Inginier Civili Joseph Bugeja was elected to the Periti Warranting Board on the third count of the vote, while Perit Arkitett Ann Marie Delicata was uncontested and will also also be occupying the second elected post on the Periti Warranting Boards.
There were 1,281 eligible voters and 257 that voted, making it a participation rate of 20.06 per cent. Perit Bugeja received 174 votes on round three, reaching beyond the threshold of 129 votes to win a seat.
Given that Perit Ann Marie Delicata was uncontested in the list of Periti Arkitetti, the Election Official has declared that she was to be considered elected to the Periti Warranting Board by default.
Perit Joseph Bugeja shall fill the seat on the Periti Warranting Board in terms of Chapter 622 of the Laws of Malta for a period of three years and on the Periti Warranting Board in terms of Chapter 390 of the Laws of Malta for a period of two years.
Perit Delicata will occupy her post on the Periti Warrant Board of Cap. 622 for a period of 18 months and her post on the Periti Warranting Board of Cap. 390 for a period of 24 months from the date of publication in the Government Gazette.
The Periti Warranting Board Online Elections 2025 were organised by the Kamra tal-Periti in accordance with the Periti Act, Cap 622, with the support of the Parliamentary Secretariat for Public Works and the Periti Warranting Board.
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