There’s a popular saying that goes: “Collaboration allows us to know more than we are capable of knowing by ourselves.” For Malta-based cloud solutions specialist Scope Solutions, this belief has been something of a guiding principle to its growth and success over the past 11 years.

Founded in 2013 by Brian Ferris and Neville Micallef, Scope Solutions was born from their combined expertise in finance and technology after having recognised a gap in the market for helping businesses adopt the right cloud solutions. Over the years, the founding duo have assembled a formidable team of experts—from software developers to finance professionals and business strategists—who together have built a reputation for delivering innovative cloud solutions that enable clients to enhance their operations and stay competitive in today’s rapidly changing digital landscape.

More interestingly, Scope’s collaborative spirit hasn’t stopped at the door of its San Gwann HQ either. With a solid base in Malta, the first anniversary of its office in UAE, and newly launched operations in Cyprus, Scope is now taking things one step further by partnering with promising start-ups and top tech innovators. This growing network of powerful synergies is enabling Scope to offer an even broader suite of solutions to keep its clients ahead in the fast-changing digital landscape.

Reflecting on the evolving nature of collaboration in business, Chris Vella, who has been with the team for almost seven years notes: “business has really shifted in recent years. Companies are much more open to working together now. In the past, I think there was a tendency for businesses to see each other strictly as competitors, but that's changing. More and more are seeing the value in mutually beneficial partnerships. Plus, with the speed of technological advancement these days, it’s clear that we can achieve far more by collaborating than by doing it alone.”

With this mindset, recent years have seen Scope expand its core offerings by involving itself with multiple impactful set-ups that tap into diverse niches, evident in the success stories of its clients. One of its retail clients was able to implement a robust customer loyalty system through Scope’s partnership with a loyalty management specialist. This integration not only helped the retailer retain more customers but also provided valuable insights that informed their marketing strategy. Similarly, a financial services client leveraged Scope’s collaboration with a FinTech start-up to streamline banking processes, reducing reconciliation complexities and improving operational efficiency.

Other partnerships have seen Scope integrate a mobile sales ordering solution, which includes a collection of tools and reports that enhance sales efficiency. While their accounting-focused collaboration with generate.TAX promises to drastically simplify VAT returns, helping clients stay compliant with ease.

Michele Hili, Cloud Solutions Team Lead, explains that Scope’s collaborations are all about meeting tangible client needs: “The drive behind our network is the recognition that our clients need a range of services and solutions, some of which are not specifically in our wheelhouse. So, we've set about forging strategic partnerships with experts. This makes it easier for our clients, as we are that single point of contact where they can access everything through us.”

“There’s also another major benefit to having such a network in place,” adds Liliana Briffa D’Agostino, Cloud Solutions Team Lead at Scope. “Clients might come to us asking for specific solutions, but with our industry expertise and unique vantage point having worked across diverse sectors, we often see opportunities they haven’t even considered. With these partnerships in place, we can recommend additional solutions that would greatly benefit them, now or down the line. What’s more, we can oversee everything on their behalf to ensure seamless integration as they scale up their operations,” she concludes.

With so many tech start-ups and innovations flooding the market, how does Scope choose the right collaborators? The team goes on to explain that their broad knowledge of existing apps and solutions helps them spot when a start-up has truly identified a market gap, making them a strong candidate for partnership.

“But beyond the tech and innovation, what we really value is good people,” says Mr Vella. “We’ve been in this business for quite a few years now, and you get a feel for people who are a right fit, those with a spark that tells you they’ll bring real value. Collaboration and comradery are essential to a successful network, and it’s pointless partnering with talented individuals or teams if they’re difficult to work with. So, finding the right people is a huge part of our decision-making process too.”

As the company’s star has grown ever brighter in the international tech space in recent years—particularly in light of recent accomplishments like being appointed an exclusive Xero Ambassador for EMEA markets in recognition of their expertise and leadership in providing cloud accounting solutions—Scope has been pleased to find that more companies are now approaching them, rather than the other way around.

“We’ve been seeing a lot of interest from both local and international tech companies wanting to collaborate with us. And we’re always open to exploring new partnerships and synergies. Recently, we’ve had some really exciting discussions that we feel are going to take us to another level of growth. While we can’t reveal too much just yet, it’s safe to say that the Scope network is only getting bigger and better,” Mr Hili hints.

“The industry recognition and accolades have been fantastic, but what we still find most rewarding is when we make a real impact for our clients,” Mr Vella reflects. “Seeing a client’s business go from strength to strength after approaching us—that’s the real accomplishment, and it’s something we take great pride in. Now, with our network expanding even further, we’re confident that we can continue to help our clients grow and succeed in new and exciting ways with innovative tools and support that will help them thrive,” he concludes.

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Written By

Nicole Zammit

When she’s not writing articles at work or poetry at home, you’ll find her taking long walks in the countryside, pumping iron at the gym, caring for her farm animals, or spending quality time with family and friends. In short, she’s always on the go, drawing inspiration from the little things around her, and constantly striving to make the ordinary extraordinary.