In her daily update regarding the COVID-19 situation locally, Superintendent for Public Health Charmaine Gauci said it is “good practice” for employees who are able to work remotely to continue doing so.

She was responding to questions from the press about Government workers who have been asked to return to their offices as the situation in Malta appears to be under control.

Prof Gauci said that when the situation was at its worst, workers who were unable to work remotely were still sent home in a nation-wide effort to prevent the spread of the virus.

Now that the situation has changed, with non-essential retail opening up and numbers remaining relatively stable, efforts are being made to restart the country.

With this in mind, Prof Gauci said it continues to be good practice for workers who, because of the nature of their work, are able to work remotely should continue to do so.

On Thursday, the Superintendent announced 14 new cases of the virus, seven coming from a mix of healthcare workers and patients in Karin Grech, Mater Dei Hospital and St Vincent De Paul. The remaining cases stemmed from the community and contact tracing is being carried out to stop any further spread.

Currently, the number of active cases stands at 78.

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