Corporate service provider CSB Group celebrated its 35th anniversary since launch on Monday, CEO Michael J Zammit shared.

“Having started working at the age of 16, where will CSB be in the next 35 years,” Mr Zammit commented, before jokingly adding “I’ll be 83 and my daughters Michela will be 45 and Nina 43”.

The company marked the milestone with a summer party on Friday, during which it celebrated through “fun times and memorable moments”.

Mr Zammit joined the Malta-based company in 1991, spearheading it to become one of the country’s leading corporate service companies in areas including financial services, iGaming, eCommerce, yachting, shipping, and also aviation.

Established in 1987, CSB Group is a diverse, yet specialised business solutions and commercial services provider to a number of corporate and private clients that are seeking to set up or relocate to Malta. Its services include employment advisory, accounting, regulated financial services, and recruitment, among others.

Main Image:

CSB Group / LinkedIn

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Written By

Fabrizio Tabone

Fabrizio has a passion for the economy and technology, especially when it comes to innovation. Aside from this, he also has a passion for football and movies, and so you will often find him either with a ball to his feet or at the cinema checking out the latest releases.