GasanMamo Insurance




Head Office Address Msida Road, Gzira, GZR1405

35.864152, 14.4785789999999

Business Profile

With roots tracing back to 1947, GasanMamo Insurance is a premier insurance provider in Malta’s insurance landscape, with a comprehensive range of insurance solutions tailored to evolving personal and commercial needs. Renowned for its competitive pricing and diverse range of insurance products, the company provides extensive coverage, including but not limited to automotive and marine insurance, as well as residential and commercial property protection. It also prioritises safeguarding businesses against various risks and uncertainties.

In line with its commitment to continuous improvement, GasanMamo Insurance continuously enhances its offerings to provide simplicity and value to its clients. The company's portfolio includes specialised business solutions such as cyber protection, employee protection, loss of income coverage, and liability insurance, designed to safeguard businesses against various risks and uncertainties.

At every level of the organisation, from the executive leadership to the dedicated frontline staff, GasanMamo Insurance taps into a legacy and culture of excellence characterised by unwavering dedication and expertise.

Official Partners

  • Trade Malta
  • Fino
  • GO Business
  • Imovo
  • Malta Enterprise
  • WFDM
  • St James Hospital
  • Dea Aesthetics
  • Intercomp
  • European Commission
  • Malta Business Registry
  • CF Estates
  • Agilis
  • ICON
  • Agora
  • Bureau Vallee
  • Apex Group Ltd
  • Exereco
  • Arkafort
  • Excel Homes
  • Lidion Bank
  • Melita Marine
  • TNT
  • Sparkasse Bank
  • Dimech Enterprises
  • Laferla
  • FCM Bank
  • Hi-Care Services