Oiltanking Malta Ltd was incorporated in 1989 and started operations in 1992. Oiltanking GmbH of Hamburg owns 55 per cent of the shares, the rest belonging to 3i Investment.
Centrally located in the Mediterranean and close to the main international shipping lanes between Europe, Africa and the Middle East, the Pacific Rim and the US, the company’s terminal is ideally positioned to make bulk for long-haul destinations and break bulk for Mediterranean ports.
Over the years, Oiltanking Malta became a petroleum hub in the Mediterranean Sea and its terminal offers blending/treatment services of oil cargo to its customers. Its 25 storage tanks have a total capacity of 562,450 cubic metres. The terminal offers four safe berths for vessels up to 120,000 DWT.
Oiltanking Malta is committed to protect the environment in which it operates, with constant monitoring programmes being performed to meet or exceed European standards in force. It is a socially responsible entity and supports several programmes with the community that are specially oriented to educational initiatives.
The mother company operates a network of 80 independent terminals in 23 countries across the five continents, offering storage capacity in excess of 21 million cubic metres.
Company Profiles in Malta is a vast collection of companies and entities that operate and are active in Malta. You can discover more by visiting whoswho.mt, Malta’s leading online business search engine and networking platform in Malta.
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