As Malta’s national employment hub, Jobsplus is designed to meet the needs and fuel the success of today’s growing local employment and training sector.
The launch of its new website, - featuring the innovative job-matching system - is part of its commitment to enhance and facilitate access to the labour market.
It reflects an innovative, sustainable, and fresh perspective towards the ever-changing world of employment.
By offering interactive and dynamic functions, as well as a more personalised experience through the use of customisable dashboards, jobseekers and employers can now enjoy an improved overall job-matching experience, which will also result in reduced recruitment costs for employers through an immediate and accurate online matching process.
In addition to bringing jobseekers and employers together in a virtual environment, the job-matching system will also provide the necessary tools, stats and information they need to pave the road to employment success.
From 1990 until 2016, Jobsplus, formerly known as the Employment and Training Corporation (ETC), has provided thousands of local jobseekers and employers with successful and rewarding work experiences by empowering, assisting and training jobseekers, promoting workforce development and assisting employers in their recruitment and training needs.
Company Profiles in Malta is a vast collection of companies and entities that operate and are active in Malta. You can discover more by visiting, Malta’s leading online business search engine and networking platform in Malta.
Are you a company operating in Malta and not part of the who’s who project? Get in touch with us on [email protected]
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