Exigy co-founding partner Adrian Porter is a bit of a trailblazer when it comes to matters related to tech solutions. Leading the Enterprise Solutions Division of the company, he draws on years of experience, having founded the company in 2002, and having contributed to innumerable projects ranging from industry verticals, government platforms, corporate solutions, and research projects.

Today, Mr Porter leads the team responsible for delivering Business Process Automation (BPA), together with line-of-business bespoke solutions, as well as mobile, analytical and collaboration solutions to both corporate and government customers.

“Companies are rarely interested in the tech itself,” he says as he describes what Exigy does in a nutshell. “Clients, most of the time, are interested in a solution to a problem they might have, and providing this, is our utmost priority,” he explains.

In fact, Exigy prides itself in taking a client-centric approach, which allows it to provide an excellent experience to clients who are not merely sold a system but provided with an ad hoc solution for their needs – which often varies from one client to the next.

Together with a host of other services, Exigy excels in providing its customers with bespoke Business Process Automation products which cater for their requirements without interfering with core-business platforms that the company may already be using.

“Most companies will have a number of systems which govern important and central aspects of their operation such as Customer Relationship Management, Finance, or their Human Resources compliment. Often, companies are tempted to cater for other satellite needs, by trying to extend the core systems to include these jobs, yet this is not advisable,” Mr Porter warns.

Mr Porter notes that this practice is firstly rather costly, since identifying reliable technical expertise to carry out such adjustments to existent systems may not be cost-effective in the long run.

“More importantly, tinkering with a system can expose it to future troubles. The system will be weighed down with unnecessary processes that will certainly have their effect on what the system is supposed to be doing in the first place – its core operation,” he notes. “Additionally keeping these core applications up to scratch will also be a challenge, due to the numerous additions made.”

For Mr Porter, core platforms ought to be ringfenced and kept as untouched as possible, to ensure their optimal operation.

This is where Exigy steps in, helping its customers to take care of secondary or satellite needs such as Supplier Engagement Management, GDPR, or matters of Health and Safety, amongst hundreds of other applications.

“It may not sound like much of an issue in isolation, but when things scale up significantly, challenges may scale up with them too. To illustrate an example, in the case of larger companies, they might have maintenance agreements with more than one company for different areas in their multiple premises, which will be responsible to service their lifts or fire and security systems. These relationships need to be managed within their specific agreed parameters.”

Exigy specialises in providing solutions to cater for these satellite needs. “If necessary, we can also design these solutions to communicate with the core systems and provide necessary data that allows them to operate efficiently,” Mr Porter explains.

Mr Porter also expounds on how the BPA solutions developed by Exigy are vastly more efficient than the traditional methods operated usually.

“Often, companies keep track of matters such as expenses for the office, for example, by means of a simple excel sheet, which is sent from one end to the other of the office via email. Several emails later, the expense will probably be approved. An ad hoc dashboard which is developed to suit the specific circumstance, will save employees, both on the requesting side as well as on the approving side several emails, as all tools will be consolidated in one space,” Mr Porter notes.

Companies earn untold efficiency which is exponential to the growth of the company. “It is one thing getting an approval for a small expense from a manager who is sitting on the desk opposite, it is quite another when the manager is receiving tens of requests daily, in a large company that employs hundreds,” Mr Porter specifies.

Through the use of Nintex, which integrates perfectly with the widely used Office 365, clients will also be able to customise their workspaces according to their specific necessities. “The target here is to empower the end user, who will be able to create their own forms and workflows. Exigy can also help in this process, and since the systems are so intuitive, the time to market is unparalleled.”

Exigy, in collaboration with Nintex and EY Malta, will be hosting an event on 4th November that will provide attendees with all the information on how these solutions work.

“I look forward to welcome companies, together with our partners Nintex and EY Malta, to discuss the fascinating topic of Business Process Automation. It will be a great opportunity to explore the many ways in which BPA can help bring business processes together, streamlining collaboration and optimizing workflows,” Mr Porter concludes.

Achieving Excellence through Business Process Automation shall take place on Friday 4th November between 9:00- 13:00 at The Westin Dragonara, St Julians. Registrations on: https://www.exigy.com/achieving-excellence-bpa/

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Written By

Edward Bonello

Edward Bonello is a content writer, PR consultant and generally chill fellow. When he’s not happily tapping away at his laptop, he enjoys collecting useless trivia, watching B-movies, and cooking the most decent carbonara this side of Trastevere.