General Manager (GM) Yan Grima on Friday expressed gratitude for the experiences he had at Sanitas Building, Vivian Corporation’s former office in Msida.

The Malta-based healthcare company has moved to a new office in Marsa, providing the company with increased warehousing and office space, even allowing it to house the recently launched Vivian Academy.

Sanitas Building

Sanitas Building / Vivian / LinkedIn

As a result, it bids farewell to Sanitas Building, which has been Vivian’s office for the past 40 years, with the final working day there being last Friday. The company had described the office as “more than just a workplace”, as it was places where “ideas were born, friendships were forged, and dreams were realised”.

Commenting on the move, Mr Grima, who first joined Vivian 18 years ago, said: “18 years ago, I walked through this door as a young pharmacy student, brimming with excitement, curiosity, and a touch of apprehension.”

“Little did I know that this place would not only become the foundation of my professional journey, but also a second home filled with wonderful memories and cherished moments,” he added.

Reflecting on the years he spent at the office, Mr Grima noted that he is “overwhelmed with gratitude” for the “opportunities, challenges, and growth” that the company offered him.

“Now, as I prepare to take the next step in my journey, I carry with me the values and principles instilled by this place. The dedication to patient wellbeing, the pursuit of excellence, and the spirit of continuous learning will guide me in every endeavour,” he concluded.


Vivian's new office in Marsa / LinkedIn

Mr Grima was appointed GM and Director at Vivian in November 2022, and is mainly responsible for its private market business, business development, and strategy. He is an experienced pharmacist and healthcare professional with a Bachelor’s degree in Pharmacy from University of Malta and a Diploma in Professional Marketing from the Chartered Institute of Marketing, as well as an Master of Business Administration from University of Suffolk.

Vivian was founded by local pharmacist Wilfred Gatt in 1952, and the company remains a family-run business to this day. The Gatt family actively manages the company together with its growing team of industry professionals, and has now become a leading distribution and marketing company for healthcare in Malta.

Main Image:

Vivian GM Yan Grima / LinkedIn

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Written By

Fabrizio Tabone

Fabrizio has a passion for the economy and technology, especially when it comes to innovation. Aside from this, he also has a passion for football and movies, and so you will often find him either with a ball to his feet or at the cinema checking out the latest releases.