The process of rebranding any organisation can be quite an arduous one, as it often places its entire raison d’etre under a powerful microscope, in order to distil what it stands for and how best to communicate it effectively and efficiently to its audience.
Certainly not a task for the faint hearted, as Charmaine Montesin, incoming Chief Executive Officer attests, reflecting on the recent rebranding process, which saw the established and respected Apex Group become Uniplural Group.
“When we thought of rebranding, we thought of the community we serve and the people we employ, as they truly are at the heart of the new brand. The diversity that exists in both is immense and spreads over a spectrum of both services and nationalities. We wanted to make sure that although each one of our staff, as well as our services, are unique, they still at the end of the day come together as one to represent what Uniplural Group is today,” Ms Montesin explains.
In fact, during the rebranding phase, Uniplural Group embarked on a transformative journey to unveil a bold new identity that aligns with its core values of care, compassion, innovation, and integrity.
“Our primary goal is to communicate this message across all channels, capturing the essence of our commitment to improving lives and empowering communities. With a compelling narrative, we aim to elevate brand awareness, strengthen our position in the healthcare, education, and community-focused sectors, and inspire positive change within Malta and beyond,” Ms Montesin continues.
Having just taken the helm of the company in November 2023, Ms Montesin brings with her a wealth of experience and a proven track record of success to Uniplural Group. Her background in nursing and extensive leadership roles in both governmental and private sectors position her as a catalyst for innovation and collaboration. Ms Montesin's strategic vision and commitment to excellence align seamlessly with the group's values, making her the ideal candidate to guide the company through the transformative rebranding phase.
“The decision to rebrand was rooted in the company's substantial growth and the aspiration to reflect our ambitious journey. The company envisions itself as a cohesive yet diversified unit. This move is not just about a change in name; it is a strategic initiative aligned with the vision of expanding services internationally and adapting to the evolving needs of the market.”
Uniplural Group has an extensive background in the healthcare industry, and provides services in four main areas, which are all related to improving the quality of life of its clients – namely healthcare, services, childcare and academia.
Asked how the rebrand aligns with the company's evolution, Ms Montesin explains how the rebranding comes at a time when new possibilities for the group and the services it offers are expected to extend into new and exciting sectors.
“The company started from the ambitious vision of a family-run business which kept on growing from strength to strength, year on year. Today, this has expanded beyond any expectations, into a larger more diverse group which extends into a range of services, which may soon develop beyond Malta’s shores. The choice of the Uniplural Group brand is bold and strong, showing the strength of all this, behind a name that represents one group in its totality,” Ms Montesin maintains.
“The brand shall perform a unifying function, symbolising the uniqueness of each staff member and service while presenting a collective front. It is a testament to the inclusivity, multi-culturalism, and diversity that are integral to Uniplural Group's identity. Through engaging PR communications and captivating digital marketing efforts, our rebranding will leave an enduring impact, solidifying Uniplural Group's legacy as a driving force for meaningful transformation.” Ultimately, for Uniplural Group, the rebranding process was an opportunity to examine what the organisation stands for, and where it wants to go. It also offered a platform for employees and team members to express themselves about their ambitions and feedback, further enhancing their sense of belonging to the company.
“Employee engagement was pivotal in the entire process. We truly believe that each of our team members are powerful ambassadors of our brand, and we dedicate substantial resources to ensure that they project enthusiasm and dedication to their jobs,” says Ms Montesin.
She believes that ultimately, the company “can spend unspoken amounts of resources to have the flashiest brand on the market, yet our people on the ground are the ones who ultimately meet and engage with our clients, so truly, they are as influential, if not more, than any sophisticated marketing campaign.”
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