Black Mirror, a sci-fi anthology Netflix series, released its sixth season on Thursday, a notable one for local audiences, given that local company Stargate Studios Malta had a hand in its production.

The local studio first announced its contribution to the show in April, stating that it would be collaborating with Black Mirror’s production team in its visual effects.

“Brace yourselves for an epic binge-watch session, as Netflix has just dropped the newest season of the captivating Black Mirror series,” the studio’s management said.

Black Mirror

Poster for Black Mirror's "Joan is Awful" episode / LinkedIn

“We at Stargate Studios Malta are delighted to have had the opportunity to contribute to this phenomenal project,” it continued.

“We can’t wait for you to dive into the captivating narratives and extraordinary visuals that await you! Enjoy the show, and don’t forget the popcorn,” it concluded.

Stargate Studios Malta is a visual effects company that forms part of the Emmy Award-winning group Stargate Studios, which has 10 studios worldwide. The operations in Malta manage the group’s presence in the European region, with a focus on the Spanish, Italian, and British markets. Aside from Black Mirror, Stargate Studios Malta has also contributed to works such as Insidious The Red Door, The Net – Gioco di squadra, and Il Grande Gioco, among others.

Black Mirror

Poster for Black Mirror's "Beyond the Sea" episode / LinkedIn

In addition to the local studio’s contribution to Black Mirror a Maltese actress, Marama Corlett, features in its third episode of the new season, titled “Beyond the Sea”. The episode also includes a number of established stars, such as Aaron Paul, best known from his role as Jesse Pinkman in Breaking Bad, and Kate Mara, who stars in House of Cards and Fantastic Four.

The release of Black Mirror’s sixth season marks the shows return after four years without any new episodes, with the fifth season being released back in 2019. The show seeks to explore a number of different topics and genres across episodes, yet most are set in dystopias to highlight various contemporary social issues.

Main Image:

Stargate Studios Malta / Facebook

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Written By

Fabrizio Tabone

Fabrizio has a passion for the economy and technology, especially when it comes to innovation. Aside from this, he also has a passion for football and movies, and so you will often find him either with a ball to his feet or at the cinema checking out the latest releases.