Matthew Spiteri

Managing Director

Altern Ltd

New Technology
New Technology

Altern Ltd


Business Profile

I am the Founder and Executive Director at Altern Limited, a local company focused on providing services and solutions related to sustainability, renewable energy and efficient lighting. I hold a Master’s Degree in Mechanical Engineering, a Master’s in Business Administration and am a certified Energy Auditor. Throughout the years, I have been responsible for a number of local and foreign projects within the areas of energy auditing, building energy design, renewable energy and storage, and architectural lighting. I have a passion for research on innovative energy solutions, have been involved in national-level strategies related to sustainable development and occasionally lecture on such subjects.

Within the company, I focus on developing the business through quality projects, a highly skilled team, and unique technological offerings. Over the past decade, Altern has grown organically on various fronts, with the aim of spreading the concept of sustainability throughout its network. As the team focuses on tackling the hurdles related to decarbonisation more effectively, Altern has established three distinct pillars - Advisory, Energy, Lighting. This evolution embraces the achievements of today, while empowering the organisation in its quest towards a truly sustainable future.

Official Partners

    • Trade Malta
    • GO Business
    • WFDM
    • Dea Aesthetics
    • European Commission
    • Malta Business Registry
    • Arkafort
    • Lidion Bank
    • Turbo Systems - Accelleron
    • TNT
    • G4S
    • Agora
    • Dimech Enterprises
    • Sparkasse Bank
    • Malta Leadership Institute - WHY
    • Hi-Care Services
    • Owners Best