Manuel Portelli

Senior Manager

Malta Motorways of the Sea (part of the Grimaldi Group Naples)


Malta Motorways of the Sea (part of the Grimaldi Group Naples)


Business Profile

My career in shipping started 36 years ago, thus I possess vast experience in the trade. I joined Sullivan Maritime Ltd in 2001 and am responsible for the Business Development Department. As Senior Manager, I am directly involved in the daily operational activities of both Sullivan Maritime Ltd and Grimaldi Group’s Malta Motorways of the Sea. Continuous participation in conferences and business trips empower me to expose the organisation and nurture the company’s client base.

Official Partners

  • Trade Malta
  • Fino
  • GO Business
  • Imovo
  • Malta Enterprise
  • WFDM
  • St James Hospital
  • Dea Aesthetics
  • Intercomp
  • European Commission
  • Malta Business Registry
  • CF Estates
  • Agilis
  • ICON
  • Agora
  • Bureau Vallee
  • Apex Group Ltd
  • Exereco
  • Arkafort
  • Excel Homes
  • Lidion Bank
  • Melita Marine
  • TNT
  • Sparkasse Bank
  • Dimech Enterprises
  • Laferla
  • FCM Bank
  • Hi-Care Services