Eric Bartoli Pavia

Senior Business Development Manager

Izola Bank plc


Izola Bank plc


"Character and core values are the deciding factors to success"

Business Profile

I specialise in structuring tailor-made banking facilities for large corporate entities across a multitude of industries. My role at Izola Bank is both to lead the business development function as well as nurture client relationships to ensure they have the right financial support at hand to meet their overall company objectives.

Izola Bank offers an array of business banking products, designed to keep our clients’ operations running smoothly and provide cashflow to support their ambitions for growth. Our factoring product is of note as it can help both small to medium sized enterprises (SMEs) and large enterprises maintain healthy liquidity.

I have worked in the commercial banking industry for a number of years, which has helped me acquire extensive experience in understanding the fundamentals of commercial operations. Speed and efficiency of banking services are vital to a company’s success, but so is having an understanding banking partner you can rely on. The team at Izola Bank is commended for always being readily available to listen, help and guide, and the Bank’s continuous growth is testament to this.

Having spent an enjoyable five years in the manufacturing industry, working with UK-based clients at the start of my career, provided me with added insight about the operations of successful businesses. Experience has shown me how well-planned financing structures can help nourish a business throughout its lifecycle.

Networking with the business community and helping entrepreneurs achieve their goals is what motivates me in my professional life. I am driven to power growth for my clients and help them realise their ambitions.

Business Activities

  • 2011-2014: Senior Account Executive (Gutenberg Press Ltd)
  • 2014-2016: Plant Manager (Gutenberg Press Ltd)
  • 2016-2019: Commercial Relationship Manager (HSBC Bank Malta Plc)



  • Bachelor of Commerce (Hons) Marketing and Management (University of Malta)


Official Partners

  • Trade Malta
  • Fino
  • GO Business
  • Imovo
  • Malta Enterprise
  • WFDM
  • St James Hospital
  • Dea Aesthetics
  • Intercomp
  • European Commission
  • Malta Business Registry
  • CF Estates
  • Agilis
  • ICON
  • Agora
  • Bureau Vallee
  • Apex Group Ltd
  • Exereco
  • Arkafort
  • Excel Homes
  • Lidion Bank
  • Melita Marine
  • TNT
  • Sparkasse Bank
  • Dimech Enterprises
  • Laferla
  • FCM Bank
  • Hi-Care Services