Daniel Grech

Chief Executive Officer

Wyzer Ltd


Wyzer Ltd

San Gwann

Business Profile

The co-Founder of Wyzer together with Abdalla Kablan, I am a technology expert and enthusiast who has been involved in numerous technology projects spanning various geographical locations and industries.

My key area of interest and expertise is the intelligent automation of business processes. At Wyzer, I am focused on leading the team to develop products that allow businesses to digitalise, optimise and automate their business processes.

Official Partners

  • Trade Malta
  • Fino
  • GO Business
  • Imovo
  • Malta Enterprise
  • WFDM
  • St James Hospital
  • Dea Aesthetics
  • Tech.mt
  • Intercomp
  • European Commission
  • Malta Business Registry
  • CF Estates
  • Agilis
  • ICON
  • Agora
  • Bureau Vallee
  • Apex Group Ltd
  • Exereco
  • Arkafort
  • Excel Homes
  • Lidion Bank
  • Melita Marine
  • TNT
  • Sparkasse Bank
  • Dimech Enterprises
  • Laferla
  • FCM Bank
  • Hi-Care Services