Anyone who’s ever needed to change a leaking faucet or piece of electrical gear, may have very probably made use of Firm B Pullicino’s (FBP) products – a local leader in hardware supplies for the past 30 plus years.

Specialised in ensuring that Malta and Gozo’s hardware stores are stocked to the brim, FBP imports leading brands in the business, and also caters for hobbyists and casual workers, FBP founder Brian Pullicino explains. 

“Our goal is to provide our customers, big and small, with a holistic service, providing a wide selection of articles for all sorts of jobs, be it home improvement, professional construction, a hobby, or just a spot of DIY,” the FBP Managing Director shares.

Firm B Pullicino

“We pride ourselves in stocking and providing our customers with over 10,000 items which are guaranteed to cater for all needs in our line of work,” Mr Pullicino highlights. “Our clientele is as varied as our inventory. We supply a large number of hardware stores throughout Malta and Gozo with top-quality electrical and plumbing materials such as fittings and accessories, as well as several other home improvement items. We also service turnkey solution providers, contractors, plumbers, electricians and many other professionals.”

He has been involved in the family business his entire adult life. Hopping onto the opportunity offered by newly opened markets, he started off the business alone, attending international fairs and conventions. Today, FBP is one of the country’s largest suppliers of building materials, DIY equipment and home improvement supplies.

“Back in 1985, the challenges weren’t small. We had no reference to go by, but this also meant vast opportunity. As an 18-year-old, I took care of the full operation, but I never let this get in my way. Visiting international fairs meant that I was exposed to the latest innovations and products, which I in turn started introducing to the Maltese market,” Mr Pullicino recalls.

“The rest is history, as they say! The past 37 years have zoomed by in the blink of an eye, and today our business model has shifted vastly, responding to the needs and changes of modern 21st century Malta. But, our enthusiasm to be leaders in our sector and our ambition to constantly provide loyal customers with the very latest and cutting edge, is unchanged.”

“Working in a dynamic and competitive industry has its challenges,” Mr Pullicino notes. However, he is appreciative of the business dynamic which manages to balance family and professionalism.

“Ours is a family business in the classical sense. We work together as a team and support each other, perhaps even beyond what you’d expect in a normal commercial scenario. We have always managed to maintain this delicate balance. I am extremely proud of my team, who are very diligent and hardworking. Our operation is efficient, and our reputation precedes us,” Mr Pullicino asserts.

Firm B Pullicino

FBP's experience allows the company to provide a one-stop shop to customers, with a focus on quality. “We believe that this experience, coupled with our attention to quality throughout our very extensive product range are central to our philosophy,” Mr Pullicino expounds.

Delivering excellent aftersales service is another core brand value.  “We know how important a lasting relationship built on trust is, and this applies to customer relations too. We strive to provide a sterling aftersales service not simply because our clients expect it, but because it is part of our mission statement.”

“Over the past 37 years, we have grown to understand our clients’ needs, sometimes even before they themselves would really have a clear picture of what they need,” Mr Pullicino says.

“Our main aim is to serve customers with all the products they require. We make sure to give our best service by explaining product functions and specifications. Customer loyalty is very important to us, and this is evident as some of our clients have been loyal to the brand for more than 20 years,” Mr Pullicino says proudly.

Firm B Pullicino

Asked about the secret to these lasting relationships, Mr Pullicino says that customers’ peace of mind that they will find all they need under one roof, goes a long way.

“When it comes to domestic projects, we can provide all the necessary supplies as well as tools required to transform a house from shell form to finished state. Electrical cables, PVC electrical and drain fittings, water heaters, faucets… customers are often surprised to be so well served! But this isn’t all,” Mr Pullicino shares.

“In order to provide a superior quality service, we make sure to understand our customers’ requirements. Honesty is the best policy, which in practical terms means we won’t push customers towards purchasing a more expensive product which they might not necessarily need. Customers recognise this goodwill and appreciate it, and I believe this is the main reason why customers continue to express their loyalty towards us,” Mr Pullicino says.

Looking ahead towards the future, Mr Pullicino is as optimistic as ever.

“From an operational perspective, we are constantly on the lookout for the next opportunity for growth, as investment is continuous. Our mission however remains to continuously expand our selection of products. We are always on the lookout to introduce the latest innovative products to the Maltese market, helping our customers achieve their targets and build their projects,” Mr Pullicino concludes.

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Written By

Edward Bonello

Edward Bonello is a content writer, PR consultant and generally chill fellow. When he’s not happily tapping away at his laptop, he enjoys collecting useless trivia, watching B-movies, and cooking the most decent carbonara this side of Trastevere.