It’s been a busy few months for Cybersift, heralding the new year with a rebranding and ISO27001 certification. The company, a leader on the cyber securities front, recently launched a strategy of growth and expansion, with these two initial steps testament to its commitment to continue offering cutting-edge solutions to new and future clients.

“The decision to rebrand was taken late in 2023, when the managerial team held a series of discussions to identify what needed to change and what direction the company would be taking throughout the upcoming year. The rebranding was driven by a number of factors, including the need to adapt to an ever-changing cyber security landscape and to reaffirm our approach, which is based on innovation, agility and staying ahead of trends in terms of cyber solutions,” marketing manager Andrew Cassar explains.

The new branding showcases Cybersift’s commitment to present these elements in a cutting-edge scenario, by enabling the company to modernise and to create an identity that fits seamlessly within all its solutions and any marketing material.

“The entire process took about three months. We knew exactly why we were rebranding and where we wanted to get to. The first month was spent evaluating our starting point, then we moved on to finalising designs and elements and finally refining the brand identity for a smooth launch in early January. The start of a new year is always a good time to announce a new vision to clients,” Andrew says.

The rebranding has already gathered very positive feedback from clients, with the new design making an impact while reflecting the brand identity. Existing and prospective clients are appreciating the sense of modernisation, which reaffirms the company’s willingness to adapt and to be flexible according to market needs.

“We didn’t change the entire brand drastically, because at its essence the company values remain the same. Moreover, we had built substantial brand goodwill over the past six years, so we didn’t want to throw that away. We kept the name and colour scheme, but gave our image an overhaul to bring it in line with today’s trends. The identity and characteristics of the company are the same and we also kept the shield, which is our emblem and perfectly represents what our company does,” he continued.

Meantime, Cybersift’s marketing and communication strategies are enjoying the new growth, with the website also being given a fresh look that has helped it gain further traction.

“Cybersift is a company that is very pro-AI, and we wanted to make sure that we incorporate both human and AI elements, both in our solutions and in our branding. Certain elements were created by AI and then further developed, so AI definitely gave us a helping hand to achieve what we were after. The idea was to make sure that our branding serves as a visual representation of the advanced capacities of our products and, judging from the feedback so far, we succeeded,” Andrew states.

Now, Cybersift can focus on the main strategy for 2024, which involves overall growth and expansion. Product development is a priority so as to launch more solutions for clients, while the company is also busy looking at new markets.

“Our goal is to make cyber security more accessible, and we intend to launch a simple solution where you can register online for your organisation and have it in place within approximately 24 hours. This makes it accessible even to small companies,” Andrew continued, adding that while the company is eyeing global growth it is also specifically focusing on the EU and UK regions.

This development ties in with the recent acquisition of ISO 27001 certification, an internationally recognised standard that specifies the requirements for establishing, implementing, maintaining, and continually improving an Information Security Management System (ISMS). This standard is designed to help organisations secure their information assets, such as financial information, intellectual property, employee details, or information entrusted by third parties, as outlined by CyberSift's Project Manager, Andrija Sostaric.

“We managed to obtain the certification within three months. The process started with an assessment of our current practices against the requirements of the certification. Following that, we implemented an Information Security Management System (ISMS), with new or updated security controls, policies, and procedures before we applied for the external certification,” Andrija said, adding that the small size of the organization made it easier to implement changes fast - although it also meant that most team members took up dual roles. “As a Project Manager, I was also an ISMS implementer, while our CTO David Vassallo also took on the role of ISO (Information Security Officer),” he explains.

One crucial aspect of the whole process was ensuring that all team members were informed of requirements and obligations and that they knew what the company was planning.

“We needed everyone to be on the same page and on board with this, so we maintained a steady stream of internal comms, training and workshops. Continuous communication made things easier and we managed to obtain the certification in a short span of time because we were very well-prepared,” he continued.

Asked what impact this certification has had on company operations, Andrija explained that achieving ISO 27001 certification enhances CyberSift's overall security posture and operational efficiency, while helping to manage and mitigate information security risks more effectively and assuring clients of commitment to high security standards.

“The certification also boosts credibility and trustworthiness in the eyes of clients, particularly in the financial sector, which is crucial considering the upcoming Digital Operational Resilience Act (DORA) - a proposed regulation by the European Union aimed at strengthening the operational resilience of the financial sector against cyber threats and ICT (Information and Communication Technology) disruptions,” he explains.

In the meantime, the company is continuing its drive to achieve even more. As part of the expansion drive, Andrija is now eyeing an additional certification called SOC 2 (Service Organization Control 2) - a framework for managing data security that was developed by the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants (AICPA). The certification is specifically tailored to the US market, but is recognised globally.

“It’s sought after mainly on the North American market, and we definitely want to have a presence in that jurisdiction, so this will be our next step. This will be yet another measure that reflects our ambition to grow and to be a main player on the cyber security landscape,” Andrija continued.

“We wanted to stay ahead of the competition. Holding ISO 27001 and SOC2 certifications is crucial in demonstrating our commitment to implementing stringent information security and operational resilience practices. These certifications align with DORA's requirements, making CyberSift more attractive to clients in the financial sector by ensuring compliance with regulatory standards for ICT risk management and cyber resilience. As we aim to position CyberSift as a leading service provider in our domain, we showcase our commitment to excellence and innovation in cybersecurity.”

Cybersecurity is like insurance – you may not think about it until you need it, but when the time comes, it's indispensable. As a testament to its commitment to safeguarding your businesses and reputation, Cybersift is extending a complimentary consultation to businesses across Malta to learn the significance of cybersecurity.

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Written By

Ramona Depares

Ramona is an award-winning journalist and an author whose works have been published on both local and international fora. She is also the founder of a cultural blog - - dedicated to theatre, fashion, books and events in Malta. Ramona is fuelled by good coffee, music, the occasional glass of wine, and people-watching.