Arguably, the truest hallmark of an entrepreneur is their ability to spot a genuine gap in the market and address it with a solid business idea. This was exactly the case with Donha Muscat. After the birth of her daughter in 2017, Donha was faced with the challenge of trying to return to work with a severe lack of available childcare options, as all were fully booked at the time. Already possessing an MBA, she saw this as a golden opportunity to kill two birds with one stone: return to work while fulfilling a long-held ambition of starting her own business.

Reflecting on the journey so, Donha shares: “Starting my own business had been on my mind for a while, and this opportunity really resonated with me because there was a real need for more childcare centres locally. It was challenging to secure the permits and find the right location, but I think the hard work has paid off. We've been fully booked since opening, and we're already booked up until early 2025, with interest continuing to grow.”

St Pauls

Located in Pieta', Donha has designed St. Paul’s Childcare and Pre-Learning Centre to feel like a true second home for the children entrusted to them. Unlike the typical open-plan layouts of many care centres, her’s features a series of spacious rooms, each dedicated to children at different stages, whether they are infants or just beginning to crawl and walk. This thoughtful design ensures a safe and nurturing environment tailored to each child's needs.

Beyond the premises, Donha says she is especially proud of the team of caregivers she has assembled. “We’re a diverse, multicultural team of eleven women, and I’m incredibly proud of how much they care about their work and the children,” Donha shares. “When hiring, I seek out qualities like kindness, patience, and empathy. Qualifications are important, but they don’t mean much if carers can’t offer the motherly nurturing that children need. Seeing young children really bond with our carers, wanting to give them hugs before going home, tells me we’re doing something right.”

St Pauls

With the childcare centre now firmly established and earning numerous prestigious accolades including Outstanding Childcare Services and Best Innovative Childcare Centre, along with Donha herself being named Business Leader of the Year, she is setting her sights on a new challenge. Recognising another gap in the sector, Donha is now focusing on education and upskilling for childcare workers.

“Having really invested myself in this sector, I realised there’s a lack of ongoing training opportunities for carers,” she explains. “Once they have their basic qualifications, there’s no legal requirement for further learning, but many would like to continue specialising in the field. That’s why I’ve created a course that not only builds on foundational skills but also gives carers the knowledge and support they need to truly excel in providing the best childcare possible based on the latest theories and best practices.”

Branded under St. Paul’s Institute, the Award in Early Childhood Education and Care, MQF Level 4 is a specialised childcare educator curriculum that adopts a fully digital approach, allowing participants to balance their studies with their work and life commitments. The course features video seminars and online resources, offering a flexible learning experience where enrolees can progress through a series of 10 guided modules, which cover critical areas such as childcare safety, children’s rights, and legislation to protect children from harm.

Participants also delve into promoting equality and diversity, early emergent literacy skills, and fostering social and emotional development in partnership with parents. Each module is designed to be comfortably completed within a month, followed by an assignment to ensure understanding. Donha notes that the course typically takes 12 to 18 months to complete, providing thorough training at a manageable pace.

“As with other childcare qualifications, work placements are crucial to gain practical on-the-job experience. What I feel is particularly great about our course is that we can offer our students placements in-house at our childcare centre, should they wish. Because we are open from 6am till 10pm from Monday to Saturday, there’s plenty of flexibility for them to fit their placement hours around their schedule,” she notes, adding that the institute’s career help services can also help students with resume writing and job placement assistance, ensuring they are well-equipped to succeed in their career as a childcare educator.

To apply, candidates need to meet a few basic criteria: they must be at least 17 years old, have a basic educational background, be able to communicate effectively in English, and possess basic digital literacy. After applying, each candidate undergoes a brief interview to assess their suitability for the course and discuss their motivations.

“We’ve made this course as accessible as possible for anyone looking to upskill in childcare,” Donha explains. “It's straightforward, and we even offer payment in instalments. We encourage those interested to reach out through our website or social media, and we'll guide them step by step through the process.”

In addition to running the centre, Donha is also close to completing her Doctor of Business Administration (DBA), which is equipping her with advanced skills in leadership, strategic management, and organisational development—tools she’s already using to enhance both her childcare center and her training institute. Soon to be Dr. Muscat explains that the programme is sharpening her capacity to lead and innovate in the fast-changing world of early childhood education. 

Looking ahead, Donha has big plans for the future of St. Paul’s Childcare. She’s in the process of acquiring permits to open a second centre in Paola. Additionally, she’s gearing up to launch a 24/7 service, catering to parents who work night shifts, ensuring their children are well cared for during late hours. There’s even talk of expanding services to include kinder-aged children in the future.

“There’s a real need for quality, trustworthy childcare in Malta, and it’s a responsibility I take very seriously,” Donha reflects. “I hope we can continue offering parents the support and peace of mind they need, knowing their little ones are in safe hands with highly qualified and nurturing carers.”

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