Payments at the retail level require focus on customer convenience. From a business perspective, the easier it is for clients to conduct transactions, the better. And while the retail payment landscape continues to evolve with all sorts of devices enabling payments, cash transactions remain ubiquitous.

Anthony Sciberras, Technical Sales Manager at Apco Ltd, knows this too well. With years long experience in the sector, he has recently joined the subsidiary forming part of the Harvest Technology plc. 

Apco Ltd provides various options in this area, including the Cashmatic SelfPay solutions. Mr Sciberras neatly summarises the benefits for the business owner, noting that “the Cashmatic SelfPay family involves maintaining continuous oversight and control of all cash payment transactions to ensure accuracy and prevent errors.” Such equipment is becoming more and more prevalent in various establishments, as some see the advantages of incorporating these machines in a retail setup.

Going through the positive aspects, Mr Sciberras immediately refers to the concern of being paid with counterfeit cash. The Cashmatic automates the counterfeit detection process, saving time for the customer and reducing risk for the careful owner. Less inconvenience for the customer having to wait for notes to be checked - especially those of a higher value, and one less concern for the staff whose expertise surely lies elsewhere rather than to detect forged currency.


Mr Sciberras further explains that a very simple straightforward API documentation is available for seamless integration with any Point of Sale (POS) system in Malta. Additionally, Apco offers assistance and support to streamline the process of building and implementing the integration between the Cashmatic machine and the POS.To a certain degree, the Cashmatic doubles up as a safe – a very important element when handling cash that perhaps may be somewhat amiss when using the traditional cash registers. On this aspect, Mr Sciberras highlights the “solid and robust steel structure of the system”, that “enhances security by making it more difficult for unauthorized individuals to tamper with or steal cash.”

Post-pandemic, there is greater awareness about the necessity of hand hygiene. Although truth be told, recommended food handling techniques have always frowned upon the simultaneous handling of cash. As Mr Sciberras rightly points out, the Cashmatic machines “eliminate the need for store attendants to handle cash directly” with the system indirectly but effectively contributing to improved hygiene standards. These can be particularly important in the context of health and safety concerns, with various sectors coming to mind that would greatly benefit from the introduction of such machines alongside their usual operations.

And what about that general worry about having enough change in the till, or from the customer’s perspective of having the right amount or thereabouts of different cash notes and coins for routine transactions? Mr Sciberras has several anecdotes to share on this point, however, importantly he notes that “The system streamlines cash management by automating tasks such as giving change, opening and closing the cash register, and managing staff and shift changes” with the value added of “saving time for management to reconcile at the end of the day/shift."

The Cashmatic machines also reflect the times, including functions such as the ability to control the system remotely via smartphone, tablet, or PC, with Mr Sciberras underlining the convenience and flexibility that this offers in managing cash operations. Furthermore, a large integrated display with a “clear and intuitive user interface” makes it easy for employees and customers to operate the system efficiently.

The range of the Cashmatic SelfPay covers a number of models, starts with the so-called 460 model and going up to the 1060 model. The difference between models, notes Mr Sciberras, is purely the speed at which money is processed. That makes it relatively straightforward to choose, as it often depends on the footfall generally experienced or expected in a specific establishment.


Businesses across various sectors can easily fit in the profile that would benefit from Cashmatic machines automating their payment procedures, including restaurants, pharmacies, service providers, and mass retail. The machines prove to be of great assistance in “enhancing operational efficiency, strengthen security measures, and enabling staff to dedicate their full attention to enhancing the customer experience”, explains Mr Sciberras.

Partnering with a company that has a track-record provides a degree of assurance, especially when trying out new equipment. Apco Ltd, established in 1987, has mainly catered for the banking, retail, and financial sectors. Bearing in mind so much institutional knowledge in the industry, Apco currently offers a suite of services, from consultation to the implementation and support of tailored and integrated solutions. Mr Sciberras notes that the company has an experienced team of trained specialists that provide premium after-sales maintenance and support services.

Apco prides itself in having always been at the forefront with the introduction of new technologies in Malta, with Mr Sciberras observing that the subsidiary of Harvest Technology “continues to grow into new markets whilst adding new products and services to its portfolio of solutions.”

Looking ahead, the Cashmatic range is already developing to be integrated into a complete checkout solution. And with Apco’s capabilities already proven in this sector, thanks to other equipment that the company supplies, one can already envisage elements of the solutions that are expected to be proposed.

Mr Sciberras underlines that Apco currently holds a leading position in the cash handling and payments sector, and that “our goal is to continue to lead in this role by providing technological solutions with world-renowned brands.” And he predicts that “cash transactions will become significantly more convenient, and consumers may opt for cash” when a Cashmatic machine is available – with its faster and more accurate capabilities.

APCO Limited is a leading provider of automation solutions and security systems in Malta. They specialise in delivering sector-specific solutions to clients in various industries, including banking, retail, and hospitality. APCO Limited partners with a wide range of international brands, such as Thales, Cashmatic, Eaton, Gunnebo, among others, to provide state-of-the-art technology to their clients. Their solutions include cash management, self-service kiosks, electronic security systems, and many others. APCO Limited is a member of Harvest Technology plc and is dedicated to delivering the highest level of service and quality to their clients.

Founded in 2012, Cashmatic emerged from the entertainment and service sectors to address daily money management challenges. Dedicated to providing practical solutions for retailers, the company tackles issues like currency shortages, counterfeit money, errors, and concerns about security and hygiene. With a vision to automate cash points entirely, from cash management to self-payment processes, Cashmatic envisions a revolutionary retail landscape. The Cashmatic SelfPay family offers retailers simple, compact, reliable, secure, and customizable solutions, catering to the economic and performance requirements of traditional retailers. This flagship product line seamlessly integrates into various point-of-sale setups, reflecting Cashmatic's commitment to shaping the future of retail transactions—making them more efficient, secure, and tailored to evolving business needs.
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Written By

Julian Micallef Tagliaferro

Julian is a freelance writer for Content House. With an academic background in sociology and currently reading for his second Master's degree - in Social Impact Assessment, he is a proud father of two, involved in a number of voluntary organisations and actively supports ethical fashion choices.